Through the Fog of the Past

Dec 10, 2008 00:57

Just like I promised in my last post I'm sharing with you guys a few goodies. First and foremost I want to apologize for the ads that mess up the layout but it's a necessary evil, I really use all the perks of the plus account. I'll try to solve it soon.
Secondly I would like to thank all the people that comment and reply to this journal, it really warms my heart and keeps me motivated to update every chance I get. I hope I can keep making things that you find interesting and different, so you can count on this place for quality resources. Anyway before I get sappier let's go to what I'm sure you are waiting for... the goodies ;).
Though this is the first of what I presumed to be a short amount of sets, I hope you still find it interesting and useful. I'm posting for you to download some Photoshop 7 Patterns that I made for my personal purposes, but figured maybe you'll find them cute. This set contains 27 miscellaneous patterns, there's not much coherence in the set except for a few colored stripes. Remember that you should know how to use patterns in Photoshop 7 before downloading, but if you don’t there’re a lot of tutorials out there to learn how. It’s not complicated. And just a little warning: I’m not providing image packs with the set, only the .pat file. If you want them to use in a different program, just let me know and I’ll try to make one for download.

To download the patterns click on the picture.
+Give Proper Credit / Don't Claim as Your Own when using the resources. A link back to extraobsession is mandatory.
+Do Not Hotlink the resources, not the .zip files and / or images.
+Do Not Redistribute, you can't post and / or offer the resources in your own site.
+Comment if you use and / or take any of the resources. I like to know your opinion.

And because I’m feeling really generous, well that and I already said I would, I’m posting four new headers for you to enjoy. Remember that you should read the terms of use if you download any, and don’t forget to save them in your own server, hotlinking it’s not allowed. One of the headers is the one I’m using for this journal, that should be the teaser you need. I really hope you like them, they are kind of different from the other two I shared before.

+Give Proper Credit / Don't Claim As your Own when using the graphics.
+No Visual Editing they are not bases.
+Do Not Hotlink save to your own server.
+Do Not Redistribute they belong to this journal.
+Comment if you take anything.

Well, I guess that’s all for now though I have a lot more things to post in the near future. I’m sorry for the long update today, I guess I got a little carried away. If you have any doubts or want to know something, please be sure to ask I don’t mind at all. Enjoy!
If you like what you see, don’t hesitate to friend my journal to keep up with the updates. And please read the terms of use before downloading.
P.S.: Just wanted to let you know that I updated the resources post.

graphics: headers, resources: patterns

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