Light My Fire

Oct 17, 2008 16:11

It seems all I'm able to do these days are textures, though I have the faintiest idea that maybe you don't mind the fact so much. I open Photoshop and that's all I'm capable of doing. What I have this time is one set that contains four medium textures and one large. The sizes varying from 600x450 to 800x600 respectively.
This time I used some fiery colorful smoke stock photos as the base for them and added a few little touches (might as well say a lot of touches) with all the tools provided in Photoshop. I think they have quite a personality. Hope you like them.

To download the textures click on the picture.
+Give Proper Credit / Don't Claim as Your Own when using the resources. A link back to extraobsession is mandatory.
+Do Not Hotlink the resources, not the .zip files and / or images.
+Do Not Redistribute, you can't post and / or offer the resources in your own site.
+Comment if you use and / or take any of the resources. I like to know your opinion.

If you like what you see, don’t hesitate to friend my journal to keep up with the updates. And please read the terms of use before downloading.
Don't forget to check the resources post for all the links to other wonderful sites.

resources: textures

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