Mar 14, 2007 20:23
0650-Get to 9M, my placement for the semester. I've only got 13 shifts left, and am very excited. I generally enjoy 9M, for the sheer variety of patients. Print off a worksheet, start looking at the kardex's and report from night shift.
0715-Get a call that my patient from room 11B needs to get ready to go down to nuclear medicine by 0800 for a PICC line insertion, then she was getting a bone scan, then a foot x-ray. I ask the night nurse "If I pull the stretcher up in the hall, can she get out of bed and walk to it" The nurse says "yup, for sure". I go inthe room..the patient is an AMPUTEE!! and not an arm amputee..a leg amputee. Myself and another nurse get her on the stretcher.
0720-Lab techs come up to draw blood from my patient on the stretcher
0730-my patient goes down for her tests, etc
0730-1030-I give some enemas, talk with some families, etc
1100-A nurse decideds he's too sick to be here, Janet and Barb frantically try to get someone to come in. They do. She comes in, he leaves. She's getting report..a patient walks out of her room and down the hall to the nurses station (unaided) and says "I was just wondering when the nurse is going to come and give me my bed bath"
1130-my patient comes back fron nuclear medicine, vomiting profusely. Her family then spends the next hour following me around until the Dr. orders gravol and antacid.
1230-my other family has been constantly pestering about the fact that my patient hasn;t had a bowel movement yet. I explained to them that the pt is having problems because they don't want to poo in front of their family. The say they understand, but don't leave the patient alone....Fuckers.
1300-one of the RPN's asks me to look at an IV site that she thinks has gone did...quite badly. The RN that left sick told her it was just "positional"..bullshit.
and so on...until 1915 (715pm) when I went to go catch the bus..that didn't come until 745......