Adventures in Sleep Dentinstry

Apr 22, 2009 23:44

so, I had to go get a tooth removed, and due to my dental history and HIGH anxiety related to dentists, they gave me a sedative. It was a drug called Triazolam. I remember getting my blood pressure taken before taking the medication, going to lie down, chatting with one of the assistants for a while, getting hooked up to an O2 sat monitor and then I had to pee. they seemed really concerned with the whole peeing thing, and they called for some help. At this point I'm thinking "what? the drugs haven't taken into effect yet, I'm okay" then I tried to stand up..and it didn't work. They gave me a SHITLOAD of freezing (like 2 20cc syringes).
This is Chris filling me in.
At one point, they had to call him in the room to help get my arm out of my sleave cuz i couldn't life my arm up. They asked me to hold my arm up, and I managed to get it..nowhere. So Chris held my arm up so they could take my blood pressure. I can remember some of tooh extraction, but not a whole lot. Chris left after they took my blood pressure the first time so he could fill the prescription for pain medication and go get my crocheting that I left at the hospital the night before. Apparently like 6 people helped him look for it, so thank you for that. I remember thinking during the extraction "I hope they give him the tooth, I want to look at it" I also remember him doing the stitches and thinking "oh wow I can't feel that at all" Chris got back from running errands in time to help me to the car along with the dentist's dad, who is also dentist. The dentist gave me a shot to wake me up, and I remember thinking "what's that for? i'm already awake" According to Chris I visibly woke up and was able to do things like move my own limbs. apparently I told the dentist's dad that his son was really good. I also had no concept of my own limitations and was uncertain why I even needed help. On the car ride home, Chris told me all about how he made me some hard boiled eggs and had potatoes cut and ready to boil so I could have something to eat (he had to work in the after noon) and that he picked up my pain medication. He also told me that he would leave a note so when i forgot I could read the note. I said "don't worry about writing the note, I'll remember everything". I completely forget this conversation taking place. So we get home, Chris helped me out of car. He Grabbed one of my arms to try and help, but I wasn't stable enough, so I fell back into the car. So he grabbed both arms and hoisted me out and I proceeded to yell at him for not using proper body mechanics (I also don't remember this conversation). So as we were walking Chris was trying to help me. The entire time I was insistant that I could walk, so chris said "you don't want to fall, you just had your tooth taken out" and I said "what's the worst that could happen? I can't knock my tooth out, it's already gone"
Once he got me up he helped me walk in. Then we got to the elevator. I leaned against chris and fell asleep. and then apparently deciced I was done standing. the we got off the elevator kind of akwardly walking sideways through a door. Walking to the hallway to the apartment I would walk straight for a bit, and then veer left. for no reason. thank god our apartment is close to the elevator. So chris gets the apartment and has to let me go so he can open the door. I kept telling him I could hold myself up.  As he was getting the door open, I started to slide against the walll..falling. After I got in the apartment, I went straight to the kitchen cuz I had the hiccups. chris told me to go to bed, he'd bring me a glass of water. So I went towards the bedroom, I decided I had to pee (kinda remember this) chris asked me if I could do it by myself, and Isaid NO (Do NOT remember this part) and Chris walked me into the bathroom, and I got myself on the toilet. i also asked for my pain medication (wanted it before the freezing wore off) Chris went to get me a glass of water from the kitchen, and by the time he got back I was using the bathroom cup. he handed me the bottles. I looked at them, and I remember one of the bottles (dexamethasone) but i couldn't understand the directions. the T3 I looked at it, read the directions, got the cap off and took one (don't remember this). I tried to open the decadron, but couldn't, so chris poured it for me. When I took a drink with the pills, I said "I'm gonna drool" so i used one hand to block the part of my face that was frozen (don't remember this) I also demenstrated to chris which part of my lips/mouth were frozen. "I can feel it, I can feel it...I can't feel it". So then I went to bed. I got off all my clothes except my socks. Chris helped me with those (don't remember this) Chris covered me with the quilt, cuz I get cold when I'm sleeping. then I slept till 745pm.

and that's my story.

Edit by Chris-"At no point in the afternoon were you going ANYWHERE by yourself. I was carring you. You were unable to sustain your own weight"
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