So many posts in one day!

Aug 20, 2007 18:12

I have recovered from my earlier stress attack. I started packing up extra kitchen things and cleaned a bit. Also finished a proper draft of my essay.

I went and saw the first place on my list and I was most impressed! It's the same price as where we are now, but it's much nicer. It's smaller, but it has a storage room. It's much newer and definitely better looked after. I'm going to drop off the application tomorrow morning. :) The real estate agent wasn't happy that I didn't have Harun with me, but he must've decided that he liked me anyway because he gave me the application form and told me to drop it off tomorrow. The only thing is, that it's a strata place, so we're not sure about pets. Oh well, I'll find out soon.
It's not very common to go for the first place, but I like it heaps! I hope this is a good sign.
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