yayyy singing :D

Sep 06, 2006 14:24

soo the audition for concert choir that i had last week was actually an audition for concert choir AND women's chorus...annnd i made women's chorus :D i'm not sure which is the harder to get into or w/e; if i'd made concert choir it would've conflicted w/ one of my classes? but ummmm i'm pretty excited, even though the class/rehearsals are on tues nights so now i'll only have thurs, fri, & sat nights free? but i guess that's not a bad thing haha.

so yeah. that's good :) although i WAS hoping i could drop brit lit...now i'm actually gunna have to work on the stuff for that class XP eh, i'll suck it up & probably enjoy it.

okay, so. that's it :) i like singing. :D

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