Apr 15, 2005 14:46
don't get all excited, i'm not hosting a bible study, nor am i going to write the biography of the man who invented levitra. we are gathered here today to view the lyrics of the third quote book song. this was effing difficult because if there was ever a QUICK wit among us, it escaped leaving us sans great one liners... sans one liners... so i also won't be writing a quote book haiku this season. personally, i like the first two better... so i will be dedicating the next few months of my life to creating limericks within everyday conversation.
good thing i'm picturing YOUR dad
way to beat corn in the can
oh, i thought you meant latex
do you mind if i hold this baseball bat while we have sex?
i saw her head bobbing a foot above his lap
hey monkey cat
kindergarten, freshman year- same thing
i asked him for a mop, he needs to kill the beast
you dirty greek
don't you sass me
muffin $1.50 no matter what you do to it
go show shamilla your clit
i used to hate the word cunt, now i want it all over my face
you're as black as a stack of pumpernickel pancakes
steve wrinkle is but a wrinkle in time
bryan, now is not the time to grow a spine
my backspace is not as fast as your mind
she blinded me with science
i relate everything to food...
that's why i love you
fuck the crazy donkey, let's go to brazil
you are in my house- i love black people
same plane, same plane, same plane
we got beer, fran is here, the girls are weird
way to sell me out the river while you're trying to be my friend again
the end
what did we learn? work = bad songs. be a sun-bathing alcoholic. people will like you better. but yay for leviticus.