I'm still alive. I've been a busy girl, to a certain extent.
Well, this weekend has been alright. Friday, I don't remember what I did. I just know that Kofi and Porshia went to SuperJam and I was at Aron's with Shapir, DeAngelo and, of course, Aron herself.
Yesterday (Saturday), I was supposed to go to a church picnic, but my mom got the dates fucked up. And because of that, I couldn't go to the
NC Art Museum.
Drama continued to proceed because of Chris and Junior. Aron and DeAngelo ended up getting into a fight, which I had to break up. I almost broke a nail in the process.
Well, we ended up sticking around while Aron and DeAngelo made up. We had a cook out and I had Salmon while everyone else had Filet Mignon. I took two Tylenol PM's and crashed out on the couch.
Kofi came by to pick up a CD I had burned for him and then he left back to Raleigh for
school. That was the worst part of my day. Eh.
Today? I lied and portrayed as a bride in the wedding show today. It sucked but I won two crystal wine glasses.
I'm going to eat, clean my room and take a shower. I feel like shit.
I miss Kofi.