Feb 12, 2006 21:09
My parents have an all-too common habit of sending me cheesy forwards -- complete with subject headings such as "Fw: fw: fw: This one is Priceless!" I'm sure you know the type... but every now and then one of them hits a chord. This one from my dad the other day:
Subject Heading: It's never too late
Message: "Beware the barrenness of a busy life." -- Socrates
Although there are few things that fill my busy life that are not meaninful to me or that I do not enjoy (and yes, I feel grateful for this), the mere pace and packed-nature of it all often leaves me feeling I don't have the time to really watch/experience my life going by - I'm too busy with it all to step back and truly savor it. Also, wondered how much my father regrets his workaholic years (which coincided with me & my sister's childhoods)...