Apr 09, 2005 00:47
okay, so being slightly more tech-inclined than one of my friends, i tend to run little updates (windows security updates, various software updates, make sure he's using firefox instead of IE, etc.) and whatnot on his computer occasionally when i stop by his house. so the other day, i sat down at his computer and decided to update firefox to version 1.0.2 -- i'd just done this to all the computers at work and my computer at home with no incident. so i installed the new version, opened up the browser and found that no matter what address i enter, it won't load a single website. i don't remember the exact text of the error message (will write it down next time), but something about it being unable to connect. at first i didn't think it was firefox but that his network connection was funky. but after pinging a few addresses and successfully connecting to a number of addresses through internet explorer, it became apparent that the problem was firefox.
so i checked the basic settings, nothing obvious. so i uninstalled (via remove programs) and reinstalled... but still, the exact same problem. i'm stumped and my extremely limited debugging instincts don't know where to turn next other than trying to search for threads on this problem via google (haven't turned anything up yet). part of the problem is i'm not sure how to articulate the problem into a search string that's likely to turn up the bug i'm experiencing.