a year of months

Jan 01, 2022 09:30

A misty, moisty new year, which I think is a Good Omen in my personal lexicon of signs - it's raining very lightly, everything is cool and green. I have ceremonially tidied the house, mopped the kitchen floor and had a Healthy Breakfast, TM, which I think about does it in the "start as you mean to go on" department. Bugger resolutions, anyway.

2021 was... a weird sort of non-event, actually. Pandemics telescope time; some moments are stretched out interminably, and large chunks of days and weeks and months are suddenly gone when you blink. My Tumblr feed is all over people going "wait, that was this year?!", and some events - the Capitol insurrection, the Ever Given, Tiktok sea shanties - do feel as though they were aeons ago.

Things achieved by me in 2021: almost word-for-word the same as 2021: sanity, health, more or less functional work processes, all in the teeth of the odds. And increasingly accomplished remote skills - Teams, Vula, producing remote-format curriculum material comprehensible to the gazelles. I still love working at home. Working at home keeps me sane and more or less human.

Things not achieved by me in 2021: mercifully, COVID. Any sort of forward momentum in the greater life sense, especially in the areas of achieving a new job or fleeing the country. Pandemics, apparently, make one run in place. Unfortunately not literally, as "any sort of physical fitness or actual exercise" was firmly in the "not achieved" column this year.

Losses: Jyn, poor kitty, who I still miss on a daily basis. As does Pandora, whose Whinge Factor has increased materially.

Things discovered by me in 2021: TikTok sea shanties, Death Star metaphors for vaccination, vaccination evangelism, life as a tech support person, ridiculous amounts of overtime, Leigh Bardugo, Victoria Goddard (unqualified approval), geeking out about Naomi Novik with my niece, narrated powerpoints, prism lenses and how they don't work at all for me, Animal Crossing (extremely qualified approval), gluten sensitivity, rice noodles and pad kee mao, Terry's chocolate oranges as an acceptable replacement for Christmas.

Resolutions for 2022: since I achieved improvement on the teeth one from last year, although not complete victory (I now remember to brush them in the mornings about half the time, which is a noticeable improvement on last year) I shall try something similar with exercise. I should do some. Any at all would be more than I am currently achieving. This entry has been crossposted from my Dreamwidth blog at https://freckles-and-doubt.dreamwidth.org/. The comment action is all over there, and supports OpenID.

annual scorecard

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