Day 72: variously cleavage-themed

Jun 02, 2020 09:09

I woke up at 3.30am this morning, because I had incautiously judged it to be Winter enough for horrible insects to have their evil probosci frozen right off, and hadn't deployed the net, and a PESTILENTIAL MOSQUITO woke me up at ungodly o'clock by somehow getting UNDER one duvet, three blankets and two cats, and biting me on the left boob. This being a tender portion of the anatomy, it rocketed me awake rather unpleasantly, after which, as is my wont, I was totally unable to get back to sleep. So I made tea and fired up Outlook (spit) and sent out seventeen pithy emails mostly along the lines of "your query was answered in the last announcement I sent out, please bloody read it" (only less profanely), and ate half of the packet of raspberry jaffa cakes I had completely forgotten I'd acquired, and fortuitously unearthed in the cupboard while in pursuit of more teabags. So as evil small-hours involuntary wake-ups go, it did have its consolations.

There are, in fact, in addition to the random Jaffa cakes, four packets of Twinings Earl Grey in my tea cupboard. One of the lockdown realisations I have been vouchsafed is extreme gratitude for the comparatively benign, accessible and reasonably hoardable nature of my addictions: apparently I have been buying Earl Grey like a nervous twitch, and now probably have a good couple of months of supply. This beats the hell out of the alternatives. It's lucky I have never smoked, because our government is being all Victorian Governess and has banned sales of cigarettes, so unfortunates like Vi and, apparently, half of my street are driven to relying on the grapevine for tips on hole-in-the-wall cafés who will sell you black-market and extremely low quality cigarettes or vape juice at obscene prices or, occasionally, simply obscenely. (Word on the street is that one place in Claremont main road will sell you cigarettes if you're youngish and female and willing to flash them.)

The nanny state also banned alcohol sales until we lifted a lockdown stage a few days back, so last week was enlivened by a desperate drive-by by the same Vi, who is substituting vape juice unavailabilities with a glass of wine of an evening, and had run out, forcing her to drink horrible concoctions of vodka and dodgy cordial (while, I have to say, making the most entertaining faces over Skype). Fortunately I have a reasonable cupboard full of wine, acquired during various wineland trips and not being drunk at all now that my favourite alcohol enablers have buggered off to more civilised climes (I hate drinking alone), so we did a masked drive-by handover. My own addictions being covered, it seems only fair to assist those of others, and I do like to feel useful to my friends. Also, Diemersfontein pinotage. Just saying. This entry has been crossposted from my Dreamwidth blog at The comment action is all over there, and supports OpenID.

this coronary crisis, sleep, aargh, tea. earl grey. hot., the demon drink

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