Day 19: minor oh dears

Apr 14, 2020 16:35

A few interesting lockdown realisations today:

1. oh dear, it is becoming rapidly apparent that, for some reason, Teams or Zoom meetings are a massive fatigue trigger for me. I am finding myself much less vocal in meetings than I usually am - generally, over the last few years, the fine careless rapture of not particularly giving a fuck about a lot of this means haven't been inclined to hang back from voicing my opinion. But I don't, in virtual meetings, I simply sit there and observe, it seems to require all my energy and focus to do that in itself, I don't volunteer input. And I'm completely blasted afterwards. The virtual is weird.

2. Having sat through four and a half hours of virtual meeting today, mostly entailing good academic brains wibbling helplessly in the face of a sudden pandemic wrecking ball to the academic calendar: oh dear, this was absolutely the worst year we could possibly have chosen to glitch admissions so we have a first year at 120% of capacity. Our volumes, and the incredible diversity of our student body, would be challenging enough under current circumstances of fuckage without the added complication that we are straining at the seams.

3. It was lovely to play the piano yesterday, I propose to do so again as soon as the current endless Zoom meeting, to the background of which I am illicitly typing this, grinds to a halt. But oh dear, I had completely forgotten how badly an hour at the piano completely stuffs with my typing, I hit the computer keyboard and try to play arpeggios rather than QWERTY. It's surprisingly discombobulating, my fingers have been tangling all day. Any typos in this post are entirely the fault of clashing paradigms.

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bodysheisscratched, administrivia, pianofication

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