teaching OpenOffice to spell "interdisciplinarity"

Sep 08, 2010 12:18

My last two days have rather bizarrely shadowed my experience in this job, insofar as (a) actually, when you get down to it I really don't enjoy taking minutes, but (b) I'm very good at it. This was a two-day workshop entailing the second instalment of discussions between a bunch of smallish departments in the Faculty plotting a merger into one ( Read more... )

this work thing, technogeekery, bloggery, academia, kultcha

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anonymous September 8 2010, 10:48:10 UTC
I hear Dreamwidth is nice. ;)

But seriously, it seems to be getting much more traction than previous clones like Insanejournal and it's run by people who Get It on a fundamental level.

I really don't get the point of the crossposting. Why would I want to crosspost *an individual comment*, context-free, on either Facebook or Twitter? At least on Facebook there is presumably enough room for the whole comment and a link back to the original post, and it'll be no more incoherent than normal wall-to-wall conversations, but Twitter?! It seems like an utterly bizarre thing to do. And I won't be doing it.


ext_5398 September 8 2010, 10:49:15 UTC
Um, epic commenting fail. That was me.


extemporanea September 8 2010, 11:08:21 UTC
As commenting fails go, I'm afraid that doesn't actually qualify as epic. More routine.

I have heard good things of Dreamwidth, indeed, but I think I might go WordPressy on my own site rather, at least then I'll have control of Stuff. And, yes, completely with you on the "bizarre and inexplicable" thing, the degree of self-congratulation necessary to repost your own decontextualised comments seems a bit extreme. But it's mostly annoying as a deeply stupid move on LJ's part: it's either unbelievably short-sighted and deeply dumb about the nature of social networks, or it's some kind of wholly commercial move which profoundly doesn't care about the members of said social networks and what they might think. I'm kinda insulted, actually.


ext_5398 September 8 2010, 11:21:50 UTC
Oh, right, you already have hosting! WP for the win, then. It's pretty easy to maintain, and you can have everything exactly how you like it.

I just nuked my FB account. The only reason I opened it in the first place was to be able to access the CLAWs group, and nobody uses that anymore. So.


strawberryfrog September 8 2010, 15:27:03 UTC
WordPress is a good blog engine. Having your own blog site is a good thing for many purposes, but it's just not social the way that LJ, FB, Twitter is. they're addictive since you check an aggregate, a stream, a group of people all at once.

Sites that aggregate these aggregators always sounded a bit silly and wrong to me, yet it may finally be time for those if you go to WP. It's either that or an RSS reader.


ext_252688 September 9 2010, 21:38:41 UTC
LJ's friends stream is nice but trust me (as someone who's never done LJ), other blogging is *quite* addictive enough.

I like Wordpress.

I also like being able to use my WP identity to comment on LJ. Much better.

The commenter formerly known as scroob.


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