doing damage to my brain (just go to sleep)

Feb 15, 2010 15:34

Phooey. Last night was one of those horrible nights where my stomach hurt, my right eye was randomly all scratchy and sore, and a persistent and pestilential mosquito with a particularly penetrating whine relentlessly dive-bombed me for two hours the instant I put the light out. (Callously ignoring, may I add, the various anti-mozzie preparations with which I'd liberally bedewed the air and my person, resulting in undiminished enthusiasm from the mosquito and a racking cough in my chest this morning. Clearly I am part-mosquito and the mosquito is a robotic facsimile). I thus got to sleep sometime on the dark side of 1am and am particularly undead this morning, and singularly unsuited to the task of processing late-registering students without biting their heads off. On the upside, sleep dep always makes me more ruthlessly efficient in the early morning, and I'd organised the life out of the faculty with a particularly fascist series of posters by 9am.

On the even further upside I have been driven to essaying the can of V left for me last week by wolverine_nun, angel of mercy in maths-lecturer form, and am happy to report that, while it still has that subtle and unappetising guarana bite, it's vaguely redolent of lime and not nearly as vile as Red Bull. So score.

Further happy randomness: the new colour of the living-room walls matches the Hobbit's coat rather beautifully, which may not be random so much as the result of concentrated feline thought-waves. Also, have reached a compromise on kitchen tiles with the EL, bar a minor ongoing wrangle about whether we put the line of bronzy green mosaic tiles on the top of the cream strip, or two-thirds of the way up. Of such earth-shattering decisions is my life made.

Today's soundtrack courtesy of the Whatever, which featured a rather lovely cover of a Finn tune.

linkery, homestuff, evil landlord, undeadness, danger pay, kitties, music

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