Live long and prosper... bitches

May 28, 2009 12:09

Hah! Vindicated. I urge all currently wrong-thinking people (i.e. those who thought Star Trek was a good film) to read Sarah Rees Brennan's parody, which irrevocably highlights all the logical flaws in its "plot". She's a fanfic writer (wrote as Maya) who has just had her first original YA fantasy published, a copy of which I have ordered in recognition of her righteous mockery. (Actually, not really, I ordered the book yesterday because I really enjoy her writing. But the parody would have made me order it if I hadn't already.)

Now off to display my own, much less exciting Book over lunch to the HoD of the English dept who still refuses to hire me. Cosmic Irony ftw. At least it's raining. Rain makes me happy. Happily damp.

Edited to add: it occurs to me, belatedly, to comment on the fact that my subject line is a deliberately layered appropriation of a quote from a work which explicitly quotes, restates and parodies a film which is itself a self-conscious reworking which continually references the complex construction in fan consciousness of a rather old and klunky actual text we all hold dear. Baudrillard would be so proud. As, for that matter, would Jameson and old Uncle Umberto and all.

hee, cosmic wossnames, startrekking, sf, academia, films

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