In the Department of Ironic Retro 80s Love, two items. Ironic Retro 80s Love is ordering a copy of Eurythmics's Peace album off Loot, tearing off its sealed wrapper and opening the cover to discover that, in addition to the beautiful packaging and artwork it didn't actually contain the CD. I call shenanigans at the factory. At the other end of Ironic Retro 80s Love is also, courtesy of James Blue Cat, the Literal A-ha "Take On Me" video, with absolutely pitch-perfect rewording. Hee. Except now I have a yen for pale girly 80s pop. Someone protect me from myself.
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The mountain was doing particularly beautiful, wispy, veily things with clouds and light yesterday, apparently prompting my camera to come all over abstractionist. Viz:
And, talking about absence of content, Making Light made me all happy by posting a link to a tip about
disabling blinking text in Firefox. Blinking text gives me the pip, as it does to all right-thinking people. Also, I love fiddling with the about:config page, which I have to do on campus quite often owing to the idiosyncratic connection protocols. It makes me feel as though I actually know what I'm doing.
I have a four-page two-column index printed out and sitting on my desk, preparatory to swooping through the PDF doing manic text searches to make sure I've caught all the instances. This whole process is giving me fascinating new insights into the indexing process. Half the works I consult regularly are, in my educated opinion, indexed appallingly badly. Huh.