ray gun to my head

Feb 14, 2008 11:53

Hmmm. Registration is over, leaving me with a pounding headache which won't quit. We now have a week in which droves of students randomly change their courses owing to errors, rethinks or random astrological conjunctions. I'm a bit snarly.

In the Department Of Your Life Just Got Even More Insanely Busy, the press mailed me yesterday to say that the editorial board has approved the revisions on the book and they're all go for publication. Back in, oh, November, when the second readers' reports came back, I said I'd be able to finish the last lot of minor revisions by the end of February. Owing to China-Miéville-wrestling and an unexpected new job to the solar plexus, I haven't started them yet, and am pleading for a mid-March deadline. I need to have the Miéville paper done by the end of this weekend, the editor is becoming plaintive and slightly pained. After that, I only have to work out how to fit book revisions, a full-time job and a major SCA event into the same three weeks, and I'm all set. The real problem seems to me the likelihood that the power cuts will render the time machine inoperable at crucial junctures.

It wouldn't be Wellington's Day without growling (I did say I was snarly).


This is clearly untrue. My cat loves my opposable, food-providing, ear-scratching thumbs and the softness of my bed at night. However, I'll take what I can get.

writting, academia, this damned book, rantage, headache

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