in search of new dreams

Dec 19, 2007 08:47

There is a sound as though a million geeky voices cried out with relief. Peter Jackson is back on board The Hobbit - not as director, but as exec producer, which is better than a poke in the eye with a pipe full of Longbottom Leaf, even if I'm extremely dubious about two films from the book. John Scalzi has the press release. Sounds like New Line got pwned, rotten moneygrubbing sods, although I'm a bit sad that Golden Compass tanked, it was a worthwhile little film, and word on Teh Nets is that sequels are unlikely. I am forced to admit, however, that the second and third installments of the trilogy are probably unfilmable in any true sense - the first book is far more of an adventure scenario with a philosophical subtext, whereas the second two are bitty, scrappy, all-over-the-show events in service of the Greater Philosophical Purpose. Enjoyable, but not cinematic.

Last Night I Dreamed: more apocalpyses. Apocalpysi. Whatever. This one a refracted reflection of Philip Pullman, in that the world was without adults, leaving only rather feral kids holed up in beachfront housing and conducting gang warfare with bows and arrows, while flying (a la Peter Pan). After becoming involuntarily caught up in one such conflict, I escaped by means of an extremely complex and steampunk airship contraption through the roof of the rather beautiful Victorian library of some absent adult.

dreams, fantasy, films

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