the rain came down and the floods came up...

Jul 28, 2007 10:19

It's been a wild few days - high winds, torrential rain, occasional hail, and it's bloody cold. Cape Town's handy-dandy mountain is channelling vast streams of water down into the city, causing lakes at intersections and small rivers in random bits of freeway. There are blown-down bits of tree all over the place, and the cats exist in a basic quadrilateral arrangement around the heater. Predicted minimum today: 8o. My hands are too cold to type properly. Wheeee!

I am, naturally, extremely happy, to the annoyance of anyone in my immediate vicinity who doesn't actually have my Drought-Scarred Soul, TM. However, the floods also have the undesired side-effect of causing that stupid little Sunday School song to lodge in my head and refuse to leave. On the upside, at least my newly-renovated bedroom doesn't seem to be leaking, although I don't remember them actually installing Under-Floor Cooling: the coldness of the wooden floor makes me suspect there's a mort of damp lurking under them thar maple-flavoured floorboards. Am poised to bring happiness to the Evil Landlord's life by informing him of same in the near future. I'm basically just evil.

Last Night I Dreamed: a whole lot of fragmentary and disconnected things, including this month's hot contender for Most Bizarre Image: Harry Potter (the boy, not the book) curled up impossibly small into a perfect ball and rolled down a steep spiral ramp, progressively getting smaller and smaller as he was abraded into a long smear down the concrete. Also, embarrassing myself horribly by falling over while seated at a dinner party, doing a complete double backflip while still in my chair; and trying to do obscure magical thingies with the help of a giant golem or possibly robot who simply would not do as he was told.

weather, homestuff, dreams

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