le weekend

Jun 03, 2007 12:59

Things achieved this weekend:
  • marking of the last few vampire essays (v. bad);
  • one SCA event including singing (nice event, got bitten on the thumb by a candlestick, making it difficult to hold a pen; singing OK except for me, as this cold has given me a frog in my tonsils and then chased it backwards down my throat like a small dog down a rabbit hole);
  • survival of one day of the random post-glandular exhaustion (yesterday);
  • possibly not unrelated to said exhaustion, the reading of three Stephanie Plum novels (much fun of a guilty nature) and Scott Westerfield's Uglies (good, review to follow).
Things not achieved this weekend:
  • the marking of the medieval romance essays, which I'd planned to have finished by tonight (not even started, although I note with pleasure that the top essay in the pile has chosen to compare Sir Launfal with Han Solo, there's hope for undergrads yet);
  • anything more than a few guilty thoughts towards book updates;
  • any more watching of Heroes, which is annoying as I'm a few episodes from the end and the suspense is killing me;
  • anything much.
Obligatory Random Linkery: "The Life and Work of Godfrey Winton: A Panel Discussion on One of Science Fiction’s Lost Masters." A lovely exercise in deadpan, very similar in tone to my favourite piece of Lovecraftian nonsense, which I blogged about ages ago (and which, I now realise, I should have recalled when posting randomly about squirrels).

linkery, aargh, sf, sca, teaching, books

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