downright subversive

Jan 18, 2007 18:01

BoingBoing recently linked to the work of the amazing Shary Boyle, a Canadian artist who does beautiful, delicate porcelain sculpture which wantonly subverts its own pretty-pretty nature with some truly bizarre themes. The one above is a version of the Beast from Cocteau's La Belle et la Bête, who has always made my fluffy fairy-tale analyst's1 heart go pit-a-pat, but there are some far more disturbing images there. Like this one:

In other news, today I not only achieved CV-updatage, I also found my Walter Benjamin reading, in exactly the pile it was supposed to occupy, near the top, in a position I have searched five or six times over the last week. Clearly the Alien Conspiracy is still at work. The nice Telkom man came and tinkered with the phone, but it's still going hiss spit.

Now I shall go forth and play the dreaded jo's roleplaying game, which has not met for lo these many moons. What were we doing? Something about ships, and balloons, and pirates... Oh, and offering khoi_boi's character violence.

1 Or, in fact, my pervy eroticism-analyst's heart. Serious physical presence, that Beast.

linkery, fairy tale, weird

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