Nyet, nyet, nyet.

Apr 03, 2010 09:48

Today I tried making this pasta sauce.

  1. Chop up an onion.
  2. Put some oil (enough to cover the base of the saucepan?) in a saucepan and fry the onions until they're soft.
  3. I'm pretty sure the recipe I saw said five minutes, but mostly I stirred until they were soft enough that a person who abhors any hint of raw onions (ME) would not mind eating them.
  4. Add some garlic. Luckily it's already in the fridge, chopped, so that should be easy. End up tipping more garlic than you intended into the sauce.
  5. Chop up a tomato. Add it to the onions, decide it doesn't look tomato-y enough and chop up a second tomato.
  6. Stir in a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste. Leave to cook for as long as you want.
  7. Profit!

... then I realised that my tomato paste was MOULDY. How does that even happen? Ugh ugh ugh, fail all around. Then I was late to work, the end. /o\

But on the other hand, yesterday I had the most fannish Friday EVER. The most fannish, you guys. forochel and I sat in a cafe and watched the first four episodes of Be Good Johnny Weir*, after which she said, "I NEED TO WATCH ALL OF THESE" and I pointed out that that was precisely what I'd been telling her, and then she rolled her eyes and transferred all my episodes into her hard drive.

* It is a series that improves upon rewatching, unsurprisingly. Johnny's voice really does darken every time he says, "My archrival, Evan Lysacek"! Which is approximately every ten minutes in the show! I don't know who you're recapping for, Johnny, but I think we all get it. And I'd also missed the Joubert cameo (Johnny: "He was born with a six pack." Joubert: "I don't like people seeing me naked, but I like to be bare before competitions.") the first time. And, of course, the glory of reliving Stephane explaining his zebra costume (THE STORY OF A MAGICAL ZEBRA SEEING THE SNOW FOR THE FIRST TIME) proved too much and we burst out laughing embarrassingly loudly. I don't even know any more.

I also know approximately nothing about Brian Joubert, but that doesn't stop me from wanting (to write) this story. /o\
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