So I know this journal has been FIGURE SKATING FIGURE SKATING FIGURE SKATING a lot recently. For those of you who are not into figure skating: I apologise! I am doing pretty well lately, not much going on here. Right now the biggest thing in my (real) life is sorting out my passport and applying for a visa and learning the past tense in French, all of which are relatively boring. Although
egelantier keeps prodding me to finish my Jon/Ryan fairytale fic! Which I started last year! Expect some fic in the near future, if you have faith in my anti-procrastination abilities.
Anyway, have another figure skating rec. I am pretty sure lots of people have read it already! But just in case --
Cohabitation, by
Evan and Johnny live together. Established relationship! Like the author admits, this isn't actually a very believable premise, but the dynamics of the relationship are completely true to life, and -- incidentally -- oh my god so hot. Generally curtainfic is not a HUGE thing of mine, because I generally enjoy conflict and pining and stuff that's supposed to be over by the time you get to living together, but the way this is written is so fantastic and rough-edged that it was just really compelling. (And hot.)
And, okay, I'm going to cut this, because I don't want to spoil you for the snippet --
“Stop, it’s hot,” Evan mumbles, fondling him, and Johnny can feel him looking down his body again, feel Evan’s erection through the thin fabric of his pants. He struggles again, and Evan pins him tighter, easy, like he’d only been using half his strength to begin with.
and oh man. I was telling
forochel that I thought that strength could be generally terrifying sometimes, in the context of non-con. But when it's done in the context of an established relationship where people trust each other, it is hot. Like burning. Go read it.