and a star to steer by, by
septemberpast (Brendon/Spencer)
The life of lonely lighthouse keeper Brendon Urie is changed forever when Ryan Ross, Jon Walker and Spencer Smith are shipwrecked on his beach.
This is the best story EVER omg. Brendon is lonely and lives in a lighthouse! Spencer is in a coma! Brendon talking to comatose Spencer about farting through one's dick! Ryan needling Brendon about his decision to stay on the lighthouse! The sun and the sand and the sea and the sky, and people in boats who never pass by, ugh. ♥
Brendon takes Spencer on a slightly more slapdash tour of the island than Jon and Ryan had, mostly because Spencer doesn’t like to be hurried anywhere. They linger at the dock for almost a half hour, even though Spencer’s already seen it, because there’s a clump of daisies growing nearby and Spencer wants to try threading them together.
They make slow and steady progress, barefoot through the sand, a daisy bracelet looped a couple times around Brendon’s wrist. They talk intermittently, the bridge of Spencer’s nose pinkening and his eyelashes casting shadows over his cheeks. He’s pretty, Brendon lets himself think indulgently, but maybe not in the delicate, petaly Snow White way Brendon first thought. He’s still fair-skinned and bright-eyed, but in motion he’s broad-shouldered and strong-legged and tall in a way that somehow makes Brendon feel stupid.
Brendon takes Spencer through the middle of the island, crossing into the little grove of trees right there, maybe a square mile at most. It’s not like a forest or anything - more like an orchard. Spencer listens intently while Brendon talks about the orange trees, how he remembers coming here in the summers when he was small and helping his grandparents with the trees.