If I had posted at all today before right now, it would have been "blah blah blah, fandom is getting me down I am headcasey and life sucks" but then I came home and
strange_bt_true went out for ice cream and I bought the ingredients for an avocado and cheese sandwich tomorrow and after this we're going to have toasted banana bread and watch a movie in bed and it's going to be great! So life is wonderful again. :D!
Other than that I have nothing to add. So I am terrible at picspamming, but somehow I have 15 articles saved on Mirai Nagasu on Delicious -- should I do a primer maybe? Don't be silly, self! Everyone knows who Mirai is! AND YET. Do they know of the existence of
this delightful article (amongst many others)? Where there are lines like, 'In the wonderfully refreshing post-event news conference, Nagasu responded to criticism of the current depth of American women’s talent by predicting she and Flatt would “shoot down the opposition. Bang. Bang. Bang.”' DO THEY.