Woo! If, like me, you listen to music on
We7, but want Last.fm to keep a record of what you listen to, you can now do this. Maybe you want to share it on your home page, maybe you want LJ to display what you're currently listening to.
You can use
We7 Scrobbler. It requires you to be using Firefox as it's a Greasemonkey script. It works entirely client-side, and it doesn't pass your details to We7, straight to Last.fm from javascript on your browser.
This isn't an officially supported feature, it may break, it shouldn't cause your computer to explode when you run it, but even that isn't guaranteed. If you experience problems with the site after running it, it's probably best to disable Greasemonkey and try again.
For those people with whom I've discussed writing such a script, this isn't written by me, but I am using it at the moment.