
Feb 12, 2015 16:55

Brown leather beneath my bottom the sunlight shines ricocheting off the arms of the chair. Missing you. I think of you always- your strength, how you've changed me. I think also of the ways you've helped me to change. I braved an equally cold day yesterday walking from bus stop to destination to bus stop. Thd wind edged a cold shave against my cheeks. We find warmth and strength to accomplish much more when we do so in love. With grace at my back I find that there's a way to go further than I would have been able to. I keep in mind that continuing to do my part - even if it feels as though it's not enough is still worth it.


The rise of her eyelids to the first glimpses of iris are my dawn.
I can't alwAys focus on what she's saying while capturing her demeanor.
Her light pours out across the terrain of my heart, to my world
I'm rejuvenated, given rest and reprieve, a pulse of electricity moves a motor inside of me. How else would I be able to continue in such a world? I am grateful that after such searching I have been given grace in the incredible things found!
I take my memories of her fair skin and hair, as I would take a breath of air after attempting to hold it until passing out. I drink her scented aura, sipping it as the most sacred of elixirs. It is an ever living gift to feel alive in a life that felt anything but. Knowing her is like finding the surface of what I imagine it would be like to know everything in the world. I've asked myself what it would be like to live the miracle, to watch the ethers surreal drip through the crevices of surreality to the world right in front of me that I can wrap my arms and mind around.

It is knowing her, my sweet Rosemary.


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