Roy came home from his job at a rehab clinic, beating up a mugger and stopping for takeout on the way, and decided he needed a shower first and foremost. He was halfway there when someone knocked on his door. He peered through the peephole and saw a man in a suit that screamed 'government,' so he opened the door without taking off the chain and asked through the resulting crack, "Yeah?"
"Roy Harper?"
"Who wants to know?" he asked, and, deliberately paying dumb, "I paid my rent already."
"Agent Brown," the man said, flashing his ID. "May I come in?"
"Let me think about that. Hell no."
"I work for the Central Bureau of Investigation, Mr. Harper."
Roy took the chain off the door, opened it just enough for Agent Brown to come in, and slammed it behind him. "And what exactly would Checkmate want with someone like me."
Agent Brown gave him a knowing look, then said, "We have a job opening. Your name came up."
"Did it, now?" Roy asked, carefully neutral.
"On Hal Jordan's recommendation."
Hal. Right. Roy sighed. "Let me get my shirt, and then we'll talk."
((Establishy, but can be open to calls/texts/e-mails/whatever after Roy's guest leaves!))