Raw log and events

Apr 20, 2005 12:52

August 2004 - Arrived at work one morning feeling depressed, tired and miserable. Searched the net for detox retreats.

September 2004 - Found a yoga/cleansing/fasting/raw education retreat in Devon and booked it.

October 2004 - bought Julianos book 'RAW' and read it in wonder.

November 2004 - arrived at retreat and had one of the most invigorating and eye opening experiences of my life. Learnt and experienced physical and spiritual detoxification and the RAW FOOD movement. Read 'THE FASTING PATH'. Completed one week 100% raw and from then on have adapted my general diet to 'High Raw'. Started my 5 month break from coffee. Tried quinoa, sprouts, rejuvelac and hemp for the first time. Gave up grinking artificial fruit juice. Switched to a high organic diet.

December 2004 - Got my Spirooli slicer and a few 'Raw' books.

Jan 2005 - Read Shazzie's 'Detox Your World' and Dr Gillian McKieth's 'Living Food For Health'. Had interview (and was offered a place) with London college of naturopathic nutrition with a view to undertaking a 3 year utrition qualification. I have decidied to postpose this idea until I have sorted out my next design career move and until i know what P will be doing next year.

Feb 2005 - Ordered my first batch of food & goodies from THE FRESH NETWORK. Began regular body brushing.

March 2005 - turned 30!!! - still eating high raw but back on occasional coffee and fizzy drink.

April - Discovered the wonderful benefits of coconuts. Eating massive proportions of fresh fruit and vegetables daily. Began taking MSM supplements. Considering a dairy free diet. About to start reading 'Healing Without Freud Or Prozak'. Waiting for my order of cacao, Aloe ferox cream and MSM skin cream to arrive from detoxyourworld.com
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