Staff Meeting, 12/18/92 (transcript)

Jul 01, 2007 11:18

A full and complete transcript of the [first hour of the] second bi-monthly senior staff meeting held December '92, following the Dueling Club disaster and the petrificiation of Justin Finch-Fletchley and Sir Nicholas Mimsey-Porpington, minutes taken by Professor F. Flitwich HRH and archived here.

While this was a regularly scheduled meeting, usual procedures such as Old Business, Budget, Prefectural Report, and Reminding Professor Lockhart He Is Not Actually Senior Staff were dispensed with by mutual unspoken consent due to the pressing nature of recent events.

AD: *stands before his desk, waiting for his colleagues to arrive*
MM: (walks in and nods somberly to him, taking her usual seat and starting the tea going)
AD: *subdued, nods in return* Minerva...
SS: (strides in, giving his tail an occasional 'why are you still talking?!' look)
MM: (nods to them, too, distractedly, and gets a nod and a huge, toothy smile back) This is dreadful, Headmaster--even the ghosts.
SS: I don't suppose he had anything useful to contribute?
MM: (snaps) Severus, really.
SS: Well, did he?
AD: *thoughtfully* Harry has managed to tangle himself in this situation. He was shaken, as can be expected. However, he did not elucidate anything that might explain the attacks.
GL: Of course that poor boy doesn't know anything at all about what happened. What this reminds me of is a time that I was in Mongolia, doing a bit of research which you might remember from my book, "Weekend with a Werewolf," a book in which I won utter acclaim and the best author award from Witch's Weekly...
SS: (talks over him) The second attack's effect on Sir Nicholas increases the possibility of the writing's having been an accurate account, I should think.
GL: ...of course, the award was also for my general appearance, for which I can hardly blame the readers! Just look at my sparkling smile!
SS: We can't look at it properly if it's moving.
AD: *coughs* What connections can we determine, now that we're witnessed two attacks.
GL: *smiles brightly* Isn't Sir Nicholas dead?
MM: And now petrified as well, poor man. I'm not sure whether to hope he's as comatose as the boy or not.
GL: Yes, but dead, still. This reminds me of when I was doing my research for "Year with a Yeti." Only, it wasn't a ghost, it was a fox, and it wasn't petrified, but sleeping, but the moral to that story was that I once again saved the day!
SS: .............
AD: Severus, you and Pomona have spoken about the Mandrake crop?
SS: We have, Headmaster. (looks at Sprout courteously)
PS: *amused with Gilderoy, trying not to laugh* Oh yes, it is coming along quite nicely, really. I just want to be certain that it is the best crop we can manage.
SS: (amused eyes at DD) Pomona was saying, Headmaster, that the mandrakes will be requiring scarves and mittens and the like, as this is turning into rather a cold winter.
GL: You know, back on my trip to Spain, we had our own greenhouse and we fitted our mandrakes with only the finest in cashmere mittens and scarves!
PS: *doesn't really want to laugh, but it's getting terribly thick in here* I don't think cashmere mittens are entirely necessary.
FF: (aside to GL, with an 'I know I'll regret asking' look) In Spain, really? Mittens?
GL: Oh yes, between writing Travels with Trolls and Break with a Banshee, I was staying with a male companion in Spain. Just friends, mind you, but he kept the most marvelous greenhouse there, which I helped him in improving. So really, Pomona, if you've anything to ask, I know all about Mandrakes.
PS: I'll keep that in mind, Gilderoy.
FF: (mouths silently to PS) Mittens. Spain. Greenhouse. *In Spain.*
PS: *grins back at FF and rolls her eyes*
AD: Indeed? Severus, I'm sure you have a muffler or two that you've yet to find use for?
SS: (continued amused eyes) Those are sized for people, though, and in any case, I should simply hate to ruin anyone's fu--interfere with anyone's ability to tell the Board of their personal contributions towards the end of unstoning castle residents.
AD: Severus, if you wish to admit that you'd rather not part with your mittens, I do not believe anyone would think less of you.
GL: Oh, if the clothing needs resizing, I can do that, as well. In my autobiography, Magical Me, you'll note that I spent some time living with a tailor before writing Holidays with Hags.
SS: No one is even slightly surprised, Lockhart. And no, Headmaster, I'm sure no one who lives above ground level would care to comment on dungeon-level winterwear in any capacity--nor would anyone esteem you less if you were forced to admit you had... misplaced? your needles.
AD: *loudly* Thank you, Professor Lockhart, for all of your offers of assistance. *turning back to Professor McGonagall* Our most recent attack victims have been delivered into Poppy's care?
GL: Well it's what you brought me here for, I am sure! You know, I think there's a chapter in Gadding with Ghouls that deals with the petrification of ghosts. Perhaps you should all buy a copy to read at your leisure in order to help Sir Nicholas.
MM: (puts a cup of tea into Lockhart's hands with a firm 'you drink that up right now, young man' look) Mr. Finch-Fletchley has, Headmaster. Mr. MacMillan was still in the process of fanning Sir Nicholas up when I left him.
GL: Why thank you, Minerva! *sparkles and winks at her* There's nothing extra in here, is there?
SS: (stares at GL levelly) I've been sitting over *here* while she was making it.
GL: Doesn't mean she can't have desires of her own, Severus. *winks* But you've called bagsy on poisoning me, I know.
MM: (shoves a second cup into Snape's hands before he's recovered from jaw-drop over the bagsy)
SS: (hmph) I'm not going to kill him in front of people. …Probably.
MM: (rolls her eyes at him)
AD: *curtly* Perhaps prudence is called for, in this case, Mr. Lockhart. The danger that we're facing had clearly proved itself to be real.
SS: (settling) Are we crediting the writing, then?
AD: *gravely* I feel quite certain that the writing represents the truth of the matter.
GL: Oh no, Severus would have me all to himself if we let him. *winks again* Anyroad, yes, the danger is quite real, but it's nothing we cannot face. I had a similar situation happen to me during the writing of Travels with Trolls, only then it turned out to be a possessed goat. Could've used Aberforth for that one!
AD: *dryly* I doubt he would have been of much help.
PS: *Presses her lips together to conceal her laughter and serves herself a cup*
SS: (was about to explode at Lockhart, but settles for burning holes in his tea when DD answers first)
MM: Headmaster... (looks deeply uncomfortable)
GL: I thought he was a goat expert? Nevermind that. So a chamber is opened and the heir of Slytherin is about? Perhaps he should report to his head of house! *laughs as if this is an amusing joke*
AD: *mildly* Severus, you're leaking, I believe.
SS: (muscle standing out in his jaw and tea turning to steam) Yes, I think it best.
FF: (conjures a couple of ice cubes to drop in his cup)
SS: (blinks, nearly laughs)
FF: (winks at him)
SS: (makes a face and sips his tea)
GL: But Severus had better beware! I don't think the heir of Slytherin will be quite as generous as I was during dueling club and let him win!
SS: (softly) The Heir of Slytherin was not known for *letting* anyone win.
GL: So you see my point, Severus! I think with just a bit of practice, you'll be a real threat! But until then, do feel free to consult with me on matters of technique.
SS: (slides an inscrutable look at him) Ah, yes, I do remember a tradition of consultation on matters of technique. It doesn't seem to have taken. Nonetheless (bland smile) I shall be sure to practice very, very hard.
MM: (insistently) *Professor Dumbledore...*
AD: *removes his spectacles* *pinches the bridge of his nose* Minerva?
GL: *has at least enough shame to look slightly embarrassed before tending to toying with his hair*
SS: (looks down, chastised, and serves Filius and Pomona tea while Minerva talks, blinking when he realizes she already has a cup. Shrugs, puts two lumps and a measure of what smells like chili powder from a vial in his sleeve in it, and gives it to Fawkes)
MM: Hagrid.
AD: *softly* Do please consider before continuing, Minerva, that Hagrid remains in my trust, as he always has.
MM: (firmly) And I am sure that everyone in this room w---
GL: Oh Giants! Well, there you're dealing with a fairly unsavory bunch. I'd imagine being half giant gives him over to all manner of compulsions he must fight hard against!
PS: *looks around the room warily* I've never observed any sort of behavior that would lead me to believe anything of the sort about him.
MM: (waits until they're done and tries again) I'm sure that no one who knows you or him would doubt your judgment in the matter, Professor, but rumor is spreading just as wildly now as it did fifty years ago; it may not be up to us.
SS: (a bit hopeful) If the rumors were centered around him them, they're not now.
GL: As clever as this heir fellow is, I'm rather surprised the rumors aren't spreading about me!
MM: Not within the school, perhaps. *Those* rumors are patantly absurd---
SS: ---Although not, perhaps, quite *that* absurd...
GL: Though... I am far too young for that sort of speculation. Still. Clever!
MM: (glares at Snape) Very nearly!
SS: (wide what-can-you-do eyes)
AD: I'd prefer our meeting not to descend into speculation and finger-pointing.
GL: You know, I wonder if the heir is attractive! Then I'd be a definite candidate. Well, other than being far too young.
SS: Not speculation, Headmaster; a related matter.
AD: Please explain, Severus. Have you begun taking your students' gossip to heart?
SS: While I admit it's tempting--
PS: I think that we should stand by Hagrid on this matter. We all know it couldn't possibly be true.
MM: (nods) Quite right, Pomona; I'm concerned for hi--
GL: Yes, powerful, clever and good-looking. That would be me to a T. I wonder if I am the heir of Slytherin and I just don't realize it!
PS: As we all should be. He needs our protection in these trying times.
GL: Oh, but listen to me, on about myself when I'm far too young to have been there before. It would have to have been someone who was at the school back then. And attractive. I heard you were once the looker, Albus.
MM: But will we be able to give it? Some of the parents remember the last time.
SS: (INCREDULOUS look at Lockhart)
GL: You're not old enough, either, Severus. But yes, you're very intelligent.
SS: (meets Albus's eyes: legilimency: Can I expel someone from my House post-graduate? PLEASE?)
AD: (back at him: Better not)
SS: (pass 3: even after that 'once the looker' crack?)
AD: (weakens--but only a little!)
PS: They would only need to meet Hagrid to see that he's completely incapable!
SS: The current confusion surrounding that... (distaste) person may at least buy Hagrid some time. Is there any way we can use it, Headmaster?
MM: (indignant) And that's another problem, Headmaster; half the school's been treating that poor boy like a pariah since yesterday, and now that he was the one to find finch-Fletchley and Sir Nicholas...
AD: *sternly* Severus, regardless of your personal feelings, I find the accusation of one innocent person a less than admirable way of going about helping another.
SS: (stares at him, hurt) ...I meant, use the time, Headmaster.
GL: He was hearing voices....
MM: (looks at him)
GL: But fame can be difficult for some to deal with. Perhaps if he spent a bit more time with me, I could show him the ropes, get him used to that sort of life.
AD: *senses that Snape is upset* I don't think that will help, Severus. I've already heard from the Ministry: more than one enquiry about Hagrid.
SS: (jaw tight, not really asking, and not meeting DD's eyes, either) They'll take him back if they're not stopped. They'll want a scapegoat.
AD: *softly, only slightly kidding* And I will of course exercise my considerable influence to prevent that from happening.
SS: (eyes fixed on the spoon he's turning over in his hand, then shakes himself a little and turns grimly to Lockhart) These voices.
GL: Oh yes... the voices. Well, I expect that growing up as he did, being around a real celebrity left him a bit overcharged, don't you think?
SS: (stares at him) Try to make sense.
GL: I am making sense! The boy was overexcited! Thought he was hearing things!
AD: It is possible that Harry was overexcited, of course, but I find, in light of recent revelations, that Harry may have earnestly been hearing something that others were not.
PS: *gasps*
GL *waves his hand dismissively* Well of course he was! He was seeing me! That kind of contact is likely to make any young man a bit batty, no matter how heroic he might otherwise be!
SS: (looks sourly at the table, but doesn't speak)
AD: *holds up a hand* We should not, however, jump hastily to conclusions.
MM: (pointedly) Regardless of how popular the activity is among the students.
PS: But if he's hearing things... *wrings hands* Oh that poor boy...
SS: I'm hearing things as we speak. Namely, you lot. That boy does not need coddling.
PS: How can that boy not need coddling?
AD: *is quiet for a moment* I'm afraid that there is little we can do yet to stop Harry from hearing things when we don't yet know the source.
SS: And, if there is a source, is it wise to try and stop him hearing it?
GL: Are you asking me to leave the castle?
SS: (to DD, dead earnest) Oh. Please.
MM: (smacks his hand with the sugar tongs)
SS: (smirks)
GL: *oblivious*
FF: (a real question) What leads you to think he's hearing something real, Headmaster?
AD: *speaking cautiously* I wondered myself, at first, if the voices that Professor Lockhart reported Harry complaining of were real. However, this revelation of Harry's Parseltongue abilities strikes me as no coincidence.
GL: *eyes widen for a moment, clutches his cravat and raises a brow, going very pale suddenly*
FF: (eyebrows raise) That story wasn't made of pure overexcitement, then?
AD: *gestures to Severus* Professor Snape?
PS: What could he be hearing, then?
GL: *inches closer to Snape*
SS: (opens his mouth to start (sourly) explaining, pauses, and looks at Lockhart with his eyebrows raised: '*yes?*')
GL: *may or may not be hiding behind Snape*
SS: ('what the HELL d'you think you're doing' glare)
GL: *that kid might be crazy and who is going to save me? stare back*
AD: *coughs*
SS: (rolls his eyes and shoves Gildy's chair back into position with his foot) During the first meeting of the dueling club --
GL: *wide-eyed, gets up and starts sneaking back over*
SS: -- following a disastrously precipitate first exercise, Professor Lockhart deemed it -- don't even THINK about it! -- wise to --
GL: *freezes, but is so thinking about it*
PS: Oh for heaven's sake!
SS: -- To stop the procedings and demonstrate a blocking spell. (heavily sarcastic) No doubt the, er, spell he chose to demonstrate was some tremendously complex procedure learned from some high muckety-muck of the this-thats, but if so, it was rather too complex for even so (even more heavily sarcastic) *advanced* a second-year as Potter to replicate on one demonstration. His exercise partner, Malfoy, cast a Serpensortia, and Potter spoke to the resultant snake in Parseltongue, with effect.
GL: He seemed capable!
SS: No doubt he failed to grasp the delicate way dropping his wand was meant to be integrated into the wave. Regardless, he used the Parseltongue instead with predictable results: drivel-brained panic.
GL: *tilts his head up* Clearly, the boy was showboating for me.
FF: (pats his arm) Clearly, Gilderoy. The kids are saying he was egging the snake on; that's not true as well, of course?
SS: (snorts expressively)
GL: *sparkles* Oh, I cannot really say what was going on in the boy's mind. Perhaps he thought it would impress me if the snake attacked the boy. Boys of that age can be quite brutal, as you know.
MM: (highly indignant) I sincerely doubt it, Miste--Professor Lockhart!
AD: Indeed. The stigma surrounding the use of Parseltongue has no doubt fueled rumors, but I doubt that Harry's intentions were harmful.
SS: (silky cold) Boys of that or any other age can be *extremely* brutal. (back to business) But he seemed to expect to be lauded -- all surprised parties, hands up -- so in this case, I deeply regret to say that I doubt it as well.
GL: Oh, I think boys of that age can be quite thoughtless... perhaps he hadn't thought the situation through? But then Severus saved the day! I, of course, allowed him to. I didn't wish to embarrass Harry any further.
SS: (looks slightly dizzy for a moment, then indignant) The day did not need saving! Headmaster, you don't think I would have let Malfoy use a spell I couldn't control in school?
AD: *amused* Of course not, Severus.
SS: (subsides with the indignantly grouchy look of the vindicated falsely accused)
GL: Oh, you can't control a Malfoy, not really. *grins impishly* In any case, I'm sure Harry was just a boy being a boy-- a powerful boy being a boy, but still just being boyish. I should take him under my wing, perhaps...
SS: (snorts at the Malfoy dig, this time actually amused)
MM: (ignores them all, increasingly anxious) But you said 'no coincidence,' Professor?
AD: *nods, grave* Indeed. We now have a highly plausible explanation for why a student --namely, why Harry-- would be hearing voices that would go unnoticed by most everyone else.
GL: Yes, well, I don't think Harry is the only student bearing a confused crush. I believe his friend Miss Granger bears watching as well!

NOTE: Flat characterization on the part of Professors McGonnagal, Flitwick, and Sprout may be explained either by a) their NPC-status at time of play or b) their reluctance to face the meeting without the bracing smoke behind the greenhouse Professor Sprout so kindly offered, at player discretion. :)
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