(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 12:35

I just have to say that I'm a little bit O.o with everyone asking other people to sort them, for two reasons.

1) I do not know people on my flist that well. I read my flist as one big thing, not peoples' individual journals, so it's really hard to get a sense of peoples' personalities just through that medium.

2) The categories themselves are so weird and limited. And cliched. Obviously you're not going to call someone evil, unless you really hate them, so Slytherin isn't much of an option. Gryffindor is "brave" people... how often do you get to see if someone's brave or not? Especially when you're experiencing them through the filter of LJ, where THEY decide what they post, and moments of bravery or cowardice in every day life just might not make it into a post. And then there's Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw... hard workers and smart people. Those are easier, but they're also extremely limited categories. This whole notion of sorting people into such narrowly defined categories seems odd to me, and pointless without the magical insight that the Sorting Hat has. It's fun, I suppose, to see what other people would put you in, but I just don't think it's an... accurate assessment of anything at all.

Total GIP. One of the best O RLY? icons I've seen, and there's a buttload out there :P


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