Ficlet: "A Dancer's Feet," PG, Firefly, Simon and River

Nov 11, 2005 19:07

Title: A Dancer’s Feet
Author: starsouls1013
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Characters: Simon and River
Summary: Simon watches his sister explore Serenity in her bare feet, and he remembers.
Spoilers: Some for Serenity, pretty general. If you’ve seen the trailers, you’re fine.
Rating: PG
Word count: 214
A/N: Written during chemistry class to keep me awake. There’s no dialogue, as I run from dialogue like the wind! Just a little bit of rumination on River’s pretty, pretty feet. Of course from Simon’s POV, cause one does not go without the other! Dedicated to my oh so darling candlesandcloth for introducing me to the beauty of these characters, and for being the bestest lesbian lover/long lost twin a girl could hope for! ;)

She has a dancer’s feet.

Elegant, petite, trim, graceful. Precise.

She used to like to write in Chinese with her toes. It amused her. Didn’t challenge her, of course, just interested her for a while.

Powerful, deceptively so.

The teenage girl unleashes hell with her tiny feet in combat boots. Faces smashed in, concussions, gun shots, air whooshing from lungs.

She hates shoes. She likes the freedom of bare feet, the feel of Serenity under the lightly callused toes, caressing the cool metal floors lovingly. Barefoot, she feels closer to the ship, to everyone who loves Serenity, to everyone who calls her home.

Simon watches her explore, so deeply concentrated, and he remembers flowers, giggling, tiny brown feet flashing through the grass. He tackles, she squeals in delight, he tickles those perfect little appendages and she laughs and laughs. Her laugh dances like she does, stealing his breath with its purity, innocence, life.

But now she is silent. There are no flowers, no sun beaming down benignly on the little girl and boy who complete each other. Instead, there is the gritty, dirty reality of a smuggling ship.

And yet. Her toes feel, tentatively, and Simon has hope. He sees a spark in her, a spark of the fire that burns, and he hopes.

firefly, my fic, simon/river, my sekrit lesbian lover

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