4 AM randomness

Oct 23, 2005 03:54

I'm extremely tired, but I felt like making a post before I went to sleep. Yes, I procrastinate on sleep. I am weird.

Speaking of weird, it's disconcerting to meet large numbers of very awake people on your way to brush your teeth at FOUR IN THE MORNING. There are still people out and about. At all hours! It's crazy. I mean, I realize I'm awake too, but I've been huddled away being antisocial for the past four hours.

I'm not sure quite what point I'm trying to make with that. Just that it's odd that even at this hour, there are still people around.

I had a fun time with my girls today. We had a Gilmore Girls marathon, wherein we watched, oh, about 6 or 7 first season episodes in the time from 5 PM to midnight. It was great fun. There was chinese food and junk food. We felt like Gilmore girls ourselves! ^_^ We didn't think the episode selection through very well though, because the order in which we watched cause some confusion. For instance, we watched the episode where Rory hangs out with Dean for the first time at the movie night with her mom, and right after that we watched the episode where they're broken up. VERY confusing. But still, it was great fun :)

I'm pleased with the response to my icon post, although I have decided that I really need to make them more often. I think I'll make an entirely Firefly one later. I've gotten on iconing kicks before, but never one that lasted this long! Everyone in the show is so damn pretty, but especially Simon and River, and I just cant stop making little squares out of them.

Did I mention that I'm extremely tired?


firefly, college, gilmore girls

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