(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 12:02

I just read an article about Serenity wherein the author says she liked Serenity, really she did, but she feels that Joss performs better on the TV screen, and Serenity just wasn't Firefly-y enough. My reaction was quite a bit more positive, but she did have some very interesting things to say.

My favorite part is that she agrees with me about Simon and Kaylee's forced and fake relationship. Excerpt:

"Just don't get me started on the wretchedly forced pairing of Simon and Kaylee. Kaylee's entire role in the movie was to be an Amidala whose only character note was that she was in love with the guy - who, might I add, only seemed to come around to a magical (and amazingly poorly-written) desire to sleep with her when faced with a situation of certain death where it is a possibility so remote as to be theoretically nonexistent. Ladies in the audience, if you're ever staring down a marauding army of ruthless killers and your long-term unrequited crush suddenly decides that he's wanted to shag you all along, take the hint that the guy might not exactly be your knight in shining armor."

It's so true! Simon's attraction for Kaylee has always sorta been an... 'aw, you're kinda cute and funny' sort of thing, not any kind of burning passion or true emotion. Sure, I liked some of their scenes in the show, and Simon could be adorably awkward sometimes, but I don't feel like it could ever be a mature, real relationship. If another movie is made and they're in a steady relationship, I think I will be disappointed. Roll in the hay? Fine. Steady partners? I don't think so.

Now, Simon and RIVER, on the other hand... I've never seen a love so pure and beautiful. That's why I thought that Joss was going to kill Simon when he was shot, because how can anyone ever be happy in the Joss-verse? But then I realized that losing everything and being hunted by the Alliance wasn't exactly happy, so. Simon lived.

I have to admit I loved River peering down as Simon and Kaylee lowered out of frame... it's hilarious. Also, what sister wants to watch her brother get it on? River does, that's who! *giggles*

You can find the article here.

firefly, simon/river, articles, serenity

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