Fave characters!

Nov 17, 2015 21:54

I have been remiss my friends!! I am so sorry. It's hard to get back into a habit. But I'm here! Hi!

I was making a post on Tumblr and struggling with their hideous text editor when I realized I HAVE A BETTER PLACE TO PUT IT! YAY! So have a MEME!

I saw a meme where people were listing ten favorite characters from ten fandoms and I AM DOING IT ( Read more... )

characters, meme

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ladycat777 November 18 2015, 21:56:48 UTC
Lol! Sorry, yes, Afra. Damia calls him A'fa when she's little and it stuck in my head. I... did not even realize I wrote it that way, actually? Oh, fingers.

I love that whole series!! Actually, The Rowan is my least favorite - probably because it's the most heavily scifi of the series. I don't dislike scifi at all, but I prefer more character driven (and yeah, let's be real, also romance) stories. Maybe I will re-read them. Hm.

Okay, so, here's the thing. I hate sanctimonious self-righteous characters. Which honestly means I should hate Stark but I don't because he's an asshole about himself and he's not hypocritical about it. Also he's a snarky bastard. Captain America is about the best of people and I can't do that. Ever. I don't believe people are innately good. Also, I suspect a lot of my dislike is comic-Captain America related because Evans does a great job at humanizing him. I want to like him? I just really can't. I dislike Superman too which gets me in hot water with my family. Give me broken assholes all the way. Perfect super-human, always see the bright side people just annoy me.

That said, Winter Soldier is probably my favorite of all the Marvel movies. It's the most complete, tightest of all of them and the performances are banging.


exsequar November 18 2015, 22:17:12 UTC
I love that series too!! It was definitely my favorite McCaffrey (though I have to say going back and rereading Freedom's Landing and all of those was rather disappointing - her world building is amazing, but the prose is rather plain from an adult perspective). I actually love The Rowan because I found the concept of Talents so fascinating. I read that one the most. I found the story of Rowan the orphan so compelling. But I of course love the romance too :) one of my disappointments in Freedom's landing on reread was not enough Kris and Zainal!

Ahh I totally unders


exsequar November 18 2015, 22:22:27 UTC
(Sorry hit send by accident on my phone!) Ahh I totally understand about Cap. I don't like much of what I've heard about him in the comics. Chris is my Steve and he is just so lovely. I love Steve's sassy stubborn side and his awkward cuteness just as much as I love his huge heart. I also dislike Superman, but I don't like Batman either - movie Steve strikes the perfect balance for me. I also love Natasha (and Bucky, but for Feels reasons more than anything).

So which of my fave characters, particularly the more obscure ones, do you also love?


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