Summary of our thoughts on Nando Torres: DAT ASS

Jun 26, 2010 00:57

I have been the worst updater EVER recently, I'm sorry! I've been swamped with lab and spending every goddamn second possible with Francisco. I spent last night at his place and said goodbye to him this morning. You better believe there were absolute floods of tears. I think I hugged and kissed him 20 times before I could bring myself to go. It was terrible. He made me smile though because when I said I would miss his stupid t-shirts (he has such ridiculous and adorable ones, like teenage mutant ninja turtles) he got an idea and gave me his GIRAFFE HAT as something to remember him by, because he wouldn't need it in Florida. I LOVE that hat on him, so it is the sweetest gift ever. I will cherish it.

So that was really hard. We've been texting all day though which has made things a little easier. I know we'll stay very much in touch, but it's going to be hard for a while. I still hate that he has to leave and think it's completely unfair, but I do hope that he makes a new life there that he can love. Otherwise it's only that much worse.

The reason I was the one doing the leaving was that I was setting off for NEW YORK CITY BABY! Wooooo! I got picked up by rhombal and musictoyourlips and we road tripped! It was awesomesauce! \o/ So now we are staying at the lovely house of one wordsalone, along with strikesoftly, in the suburbs of NYC. Tomorrow we're going to spend the day in the city, my bestest best friend Michelle will join us along with a bunch of other lovely folks, and then we will see AMERICAN IDIOT!!!!!!!!! Stark Sands! Tony Vincent! SO MUCH DELIGHT I cannot waaait lksjdfs.

In other news, FOOTBALL PLAYERS ARE UNBEARABLY HOT. We spent the evening at wordsalone's ogling various footie players, particularly one Fernando Torres (DAT ASS), the rest of the Spanish squad, and the German squad as well (my bbs!!!). There was a lot of squealing and laughing and awwwwing and oooohing. We appreciate Nando's penchant for unclothedness. :D

Right now football is totally stressing me out though because BASTI SCHWEINSTEIGER MIGHT NOT PLAY ON SUNDAY! DDDDDD: He hurt his hamstring in the game against Ghana and it doesn't look to be good for my bb. D: He has been so fucking key to our entire performance so far, providing much needed stability and maturity to the very center of the lineup (he's playing center midfield since Ballack was injured). We haven't been playing at our best anyway, so it's terrifying to think how we might perform without him. The only consolation that England has looked WORSE, and we will have Klose back, so MAAAYBE we still have a chance? I HAVE FAITH. COME ON MANNSCHAFT!!!

Another bright side is that Rosie's giddy glee has completely infected me with Espana fever, so I'm very happy to root for them as well. The game against Portugal's gonna be tough though! COME ON ESPANA!! (And Nando's ass.)

The German NT will always be first in my heart though, and I'm so worried for them. :(((( I'm scared that all the pretty new icons I made will be irrelevant in a couple days...


Good times. ♥

francisco and steffen, rl, boys - francisco, stark sands, fangirls, american idiot, vacation, summer 10

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