Your faith walks on broken glass

Apr 22, 2010 00:58

Firstly: Joe Mazzello and Martin McCann are the CUTEST. Joe posted an adorable photo of him and Martin in makeup, complete with adorable caption. I commented, and Martin replied, essentially confirming that they have the most adorablest bromance ever! See???

(That's the caption for the photo at the top.) HEE I AM SO CHARMED. They are such total sweethearts. I hope Martin gets more lines to say later on!


I was pining all day to watch Justified ep 6, and I finally got to! Raylan was REALLY REALLY fantastic tonight. I mean, I've been fond, but there were so many fascinating character notes in this episode. He also had some truly genius lines. "I don't know, I figure people are entitled to their hobbies, and I'm entitled to think those people are creepy." and instead of seeing a collection of Hitler paintings, "I think I'd rather stick my dick in a blender." LOLOLOL WHAT DID I ACTUALLY JUST HEAR THAT. AMAZING. I really liked his scene with Ava too - I am seriously so intrigued by her, and how much damage she must be carrying, and there were glimpses of that here. I also loved his scenes with Winona - first when she came to ask the favor, and they fought exactly like an old couple would, talking over each other. And then the scene on his porch, when he was so - I don't know, vulnerable? Like honestly asking her, why. I think she's an excellent actress and has a great groundedness to her, and I can really see why Raylan loved her. And there's this whole new thread about her having him look into people, and basically I am INTRIGUED!

The teaser was fantastic - Walton Goggins is an incredible actor, so much so that when he walked on screen I did a little clappy dance of glee. His character is an ex-NeoNazi, current born again (again?) Christian, AND YET. Such a riveting presence on screen, and Boyd and Raylan have this deliciously meaty dynamic. Both of his scenes in this episode were amazing.

There was also RICK GOMEZ!!!1!!!1! and he was totally lulzy and Luz-y, hee. All fanboying Raylan and then revealing, oh, I'm INVESTIGATING YOU. So blase! DELIGHTFUL. I hope we get more more more of him.

Speaking of more, NEEDS MOAR FUCKING JACOB PITTS! I mean, I'm so far gone that even him in the background of a shot scratching the back of his neck makes me flail and totally miss all dialogue being said, but it would be great if he got some actual screen time and character development! He had like three lines this episode. :( He's in the regular cast, for christ's sake! I really hope that means eventually he will be a *real* character, instead of just happening to pop in from now and then, being snarky and hot. I mean, I don't MIND that, but MOAR JACOB PITTS, OKAY.

The subplot of Richard Picardo's (who is AMAZING) character was really fascinating, and taught Raylan a lesson in a kind of startling way. I just thought it was really deft. Here's this man who's so proud of himself for dedicating his whole life to his hatred of his father. It's - yeah. Very sad, really. Excellently done subplot. I'm just realizing more and more every week how very quality this show is, how carefully wrought it is. I am completely and utterly addicted and cannot WAIT for more. :D (I need an icon, gah!)

And I finally watched The Pacific episode 6.
The answer: very fucked. Yikes. That was really, really, really intense television. A lot more gore than I was expecting, I think. I mean, I knew academically that shit got fucked up in the Pacific, but I wasn't quite expecting limbs flying off and heads exploding on screen. I held my breath for very long portions of time during the crossing of the airfield, and I think my adrenaline actually kicked in. Insane. (Joe says it took them 3 weeks to shoot that sequence. I believe it.)

Team Sledge is really, really adorable. I kind of wish the entirety of The Pacific had been his story, and that one of his team had been played by Jacob Pitts. That would have been amazing. But anyway, I am just so fond of Team Sledge. Last week, Snafu creeped me OUT, but this week he made his way to kind of charming and awesome! WHAT. Ninja Snafu! Idk, haha. I really don't mind, as I am so entertained by him now. And all the little soldierlets, all thirsty and sharing water and dying and augh, my heart. But oh my goodness, I LOVE HALDANE!! And Jones too, but HALDANE!!! HE STOOD IN FRONT OF A MOTHERFUCKING TANK. FUCK YES. Seriously, SO charmed. He's all sweet and good and strong and solid and everything perfect about a leader. K Company has a momma and a poppa, awwwww! If Haldane dies I will be incredibly sad in the face. When he moved out ON HIS OWN (stop that, SPEIRS) to check the fortifications in the hills, I was watching through my fingers, going OH GOD OH GOD DON'T DIE.

I feel like the whole thing is *finally* working. I still wanted to strangle Leckie more often then not (really, you're going to take off your helmet and stand there and bitch about not having water? NO ONE HAS WATER. GET OVER YOURSELF.) but his parts were brief and seemed like a phasing out of his storyline. Which I am more than happy with. I'm sorry if you like him, but he rubbed me entirely the wrong way. I loved his guys, and I was SO upset when Runner got hit, but I am more than ready to be totally done with Leckie.


Ahem. Yes. Team Sledge = adorable awesome! Sledge himself = COME HERE SO I CAN CUDDLE YOU. I saw an interview with Joe (WHOM I ADORE, OKAY) where he said that the thing he latched onto about Sledge is that he has a core of iron - he might be a sweet, small guy, but he withstood a LOT, and did it while remaining mentally intact enough to write down his memories in a coherent, nay, eloquent fashion. I definitely see that in Joe's performance. Just moments where Sledge looks more resolved than scared. It's pretty fantastic. (I can't WAIT to read Sledge's book.)

I also watched half of Glee this morning. Very entertaining! Also: JGROFF. ♥

Today was awesome for a few reasons. I had lunch with Leah, the other first year who got into Jason's lab. We rotated together last summer, and she's such a sweetheart. That was nice. Then I had a meeting with JASON, yay! He officially signed my papers! I'm officially in the lab! I AM SO THRILLED, WHEE. We had a conversation (well, mostly he talked) about Science and plans for my THESIS PROJECT and where he sees it going in the near future and it was all very fascinating, but wow I need to get my head back in the game! I felt kind of like an idiot. BUT. He understands that I haven't been thinking about this for months, so. I'm going to take next week off, do a lot of reading, and then start on MAY THIRD! YAY!

However, bad news: he did not accept Francisco. Or anyone else, for that matter. I'm... yeah. We (Francisco and I) talked after my meeting with Jason and it was... awkward, and hard. He still hasn't totally decided he's going to Florida, but it's really not looking good. Ugh. :( Not thinking about it not thinking about it. I need to sit with him and have a beer and just talk, I really do.

In lighter news, TONIGHT I WENT SPEED DATING. Lolz. It was mostly hilarious. We only got to talk to like half of the dudes who were there, which kind of sucked because we got a whole slew of nerdy engineer guys who were mostly okay to talk to, but generally not all that attractive. And afterwards we could see all these hot guys wandering around who we didn't get to meet! Lame. There were a few intriguing dudes in there so I checked several yes boxes. We'll see if anything comes of it! *hands* Me and the roomies and our new friend Anna went out for drinks afterward and generally had an awesome girly evening, so it was a win overall. :) I love my roomies SO MUCH oh my goodness. We got so lucky to find each other. ♥

So this is a really long post, and uh, I'm gonna stop. Nighty night!

francisco and steffen, gestwicki, rl, justified, joe mazzello, roomies, pacific, boys, glee, summer 10

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