We'll have the days we break, we'll have the scars to prove it

Apr 10, 2010 01:09

Eeee, I can has a PUPPY! Thank you so much, oxoniensis!! It was my pleasure to be a ridiculous enabler, I'm only glad it worked. ;) ♥

It is Friday! This is Yay! I've had an... interesting week in lab. Science is going semi-okay, though it seems like I NEVER EVER get results that are consistent with each other. NEVER. IN THREE MONTHS. Ughhh what human cells I HATE you. I'm very very ready to be done with these stupid cells and moving on to working with JAAAASON YAY.

I got that group project turned in! THANK FUCK. We also have to give a presentation but it's not graded so what the fuck ever. That asshole did NONE WORK, and the final product had NONE of his work in it, but whatever, that's his problem! Me and the hot dude who did the other bulk of the work might talk to the prof about it, idk. WHATEVER IT'S DONE YAY.

I realized when I was buying my Dublin plane tickets that I had no idea where my passport is. /o\ I noticed when I moved into this apartment that I didn't appear to have it with me. Most likely it's buried in all the shit in my room at my dad's house. But he doesn't seem to be inclined to dig through it, so I just applied for another. Ah well, what's an extra $100 here and there? (Kind of true, for the first time in my life - YAY FOR HAVING A SALARY!) Especially because I'M GOING BACK TO DUBLIN YAY.

TELEVISION. I have thoughts!

Doctor Who - OH MY GOODNESS SO MUCH LOVE. Eleven is charming and delightful and zany and endearing and wide-eyed and sweet and lovely. I want to take him home and feed him fish and custard! And I watched the Confidential and Matt Smith is just a lovely, lovely guy. It's a shame he has such a profoundly bland name, but he is DARLING. He can stay. I enjoyed Amy as well, but for now I kind of preferred young Amy, haha. She has spunk though and the structure of her introduction gives them some really interesting character stuff to work with. I'm VERY excited for this season! :DD

Bones - I am... okay, I am ANGRY. The corporate fingerprints were all OVER the bullshit they pulled at the end of the episode. Really, the WHOLE episode, which was honestly the most horrifying piece of retconning I have ever seen. They met before the pilot? REALLY? LIES. They rendered their own pilot completely inaccurate. UGH. And the ENTIRE THING was constructed so they would have some excuse, no matter how flimsy, to not bring Bones and Booth together. AND IT WAS SO FLIMSY. You only have "one moment" to get it right? REALLY? OH MY GOD FUCK YOU!!!!!1!1!

*deep breaths*

So basically it feels like the higher ups were like "You guys, you're getting way too close to actually consummating this Booth/Brennan thing. Bad idea! The polls show that people like the tension! And the formula! If you change that, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL END!!!!!! And also we will lose ratings and money. So don't do it." But the problem was, the ENTIRE SERIES has been working toward that moment. This season they've had at least two almost-kiss moments! You CAN'T tell me that didn't happen, just because you randomly make up some shit about how they HAD THEIR ~~MOMENT~~ but missed it! UGH MY RAGEFACE LET ME SHOW YOU IT. And Brennan's excuse? "I can't change"?? BULLSHIT! You are ALREADY a completely different person than you were when you met Booth! RAR! And then Booth just TAKES it? Says "Oh, hm, I guess. You know, whatever, not like you're CRUSHING MY HEART INTO A MILLION PIECES because I just TOLD YOU I WANT TO SPEND MY LIFE WITH YOU! It's totally fine! We'll walk off arm in arm! I won't fight for you at all!"



I have been stewing on this all day, and I'm not any less angry or disappointed. I honestly thought they would be brave and actually go there, unlike The X-Files or whatever. BUT NO. THEY PULL THIS BULLSHIT. Ughhhhh.

It's a shame because otherwise this episode was SO FUN! ZACH!!!! Tiny, cranky Hodgins with his anger rubberband! Beautiful, naive Angela with her FLIP BOOKS! They did an amazing job rewinding the clock!

BUT THEN THEY KILLED HAPPINESS and so I am displeased. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:(


Justified - I've only watched the first two episodes but I really like it! People (*coughrhombalcough*) have been flailing about this, largely because of Jacob Pitts, who's really mostly a minor character, but is also Hoosier in The Pacific, and obviously worth stalking, but what was I saying? Oh yes! Justified! I find it to be a really unique show so far, with its own flavor. I am not familiar with the Western genre at all, but apparently it is borrowing a lot of those tropes? Anyway, I love the mix of drama and wry humor it has, and how it feels just very grounded and human. I'll be very intrigued to see where it goes.

Southland - I've finally arrived! Geez, took me long enough, am I right? I've only made it through four episodes, but oh, Lydia. I love her. She's such a fierce voice in a world that only occasionally listens, but she never stops yelling. She's amazing. And so broken, personally. I just really love her and thought she carried the fourth episode amazingly, despite the lack of Cooper and Ben. :)

In other news, I'm PRETTY FOND of those Chemical Romantics! *chinhaaands* Today Mikey wished Gee happy birthday in the SWEETEST way on Twitter, ugh, he LOVES HIS BIG BRO SO MUUUCH. ♥____♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOU GINORMOUS JERSEY DORK. ILU. NOW GIMME AN ALBUM. ;) The Nylon interview was also great. I love that he and Lyn-Z got all nervous about seeing each other again! THEN THEY GOT MARRIED! They are so MFEO, ugh. And these are REAL PEOPLE! Gives me just a little bit of hope. :) And Mikey talking about JERSEY SHORE! Ahahaha. "You try to explain Jersey and they don't believe you, but now - see?" Ohhhh WAYS.

For some reason my wrist is killing me, so Imma stop typing. Night loves. ♥

doctor who, rl, justified, bandom - mcr, dublin - redux2010, southland, spring 10, bones

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