(no subject)

Mar 29, 2010 01:09

I just finished watching Pretty Persuasion, a movie with a crazy-recognizable cast in general, but I watched for RON LIVINGSTON and STARK BUNKER SANDS. Heeee. Overall, it's a weird, funny but disquieting film. Not the greatest thing I've ever seen, but entertaining. It helps that the star is Evan Rachel Woods, and she plays fucked up so well. (She was hands down one of my favorite things about True Blood season 2, which, incidentally, I finished but didn't post about. Oops?)

Sadly, Ron and Stark didn't interact at all, so we're left only with this:

Literally the only time they're on screen together. Whatever, FEEL THE AWESOME.

Because I thought this might be relevant to some peoples' interests, I have a few more caps of Stark as Beverly Hills prep school kid and Ron as nerdy/creeper prep school teacher!

Stark with stupid California boy hair and giving a girl a footrub. Despite his general weenie appearance, LOOK AT THOSE TRICEPS. Fuuuck.

I really love the glasses and red vest look, ngl.

Also, I frequently want to play with his hair.

Mr. Nix can yell at me in class ANY day. :D

You're welcome. :P

band of brothers, picspam, generation kill, movies

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