Two steps this time!

Mar 26, 2010 23:55

Today's moment of zen: Marines dancing to the cha cha slide!

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I AM SO CHARMED. They just KEEP DANCING, as other Marines wander in, join in for a bit, lol at them, leave, whatever. But the two dudes are just completely dedicated! I love the guy on the right - he's got some MOVES, goddamn! Hoorah, boys. Ray Person would be all over that shit. <33333

There's quite a lot of videos of Marines dancing on Youtube, actually. I suppose they have a lot of time on their hands, and, oh yeah, ARE RIDICULOUS HUMAN BEINGS. (Gen Kill is maybe the best public relations move for the Marines ever. Sure it portrays moronic commanders and an overall completely misguided war, but the boys on the ground? They are boys, albeit completely foulmouthed ones, and I love them. ♥)

Having STREP THROAT has kind of sucked, but after yesterday morning I started feeling much better and since then have been on a general upward trend. Right now I feel practically normal. So basically I've been sitting at home for two whole days, drinking buttloads of tea and watching TV and reading some fic and making a big dent in the 1100 page novel I'm STILL reading and working on a moodtheme and doing my FUCKING TAXES which turned out to cost me, oh, $1000 I DID NOT expect to have to pay, fuck me, and uh. Stuff. I did watch some oldschool Buffy - three season 2 episodes - which was beyond delightful, okay. Tiny Willow and Oz are the sweetest ever.

But now it's Friday night and all of my roommates (except one who I think is still in lab, that poor thing) are out with friends having a good time, while I am stuck at home being contagious. And tomorrow I wanted to do movie night with Steffen and Francisco but I think they're going out with people in our program to a bar to watch basketball and I don't particularly want to do that and I really kind of need a new friends group and I'm not at a very high point in life. Depending on how my meeting with Jason (moved to Tuesday because of aforementioned contagiousness) goes I could either start being much more optimistic or, uh, want to die. So there's that. But even if I DO get into Jason's lab there's a good chance Francisco won't and I'll be profoundly depressed about that and I don't think he wants to see me very much right now and um.

I didn't mean to come here and do an emo rant, I swear. Being home alone for any extended period of time feel pretty nice when it's happening, but it always tends to send me into a way too introspective and gloomy headspace. This why I should never, ever live alone. Ever. It would be awful. Though it's not like having 4 roommates is helping me right now. (But honestly, 4 is a lot better than just 1 or even 2. It means you have varied people around to have chats with and stuff. I like it. So long as you like all 4 of them, of course! And I do, very much.)

Oh hey, fourth roomie's home from lab and boy howdy she can talk! So not feeling lonely anymore, haha.

roomies, spring 10, umich, rl, generation kill, youtube, sick

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