Some variation of the plague has caught me. Woe. :( Just in time for two tests and a concert, yaye! >:(
I just... wanted to share my misery. idk. It's not the flu, I don't have a fever and I'm still quite functional. But my head feels swollen and gross and my throat hurts persistently and it all just sucks. It would suck less if I could curl up under my new comforter and watch Buffy while drinking tea, but I feel constantly compelled to study, since I have TWO TESTS in the next three days. WHAT. Hate. :(
Castle was win and love and awesome, AS USUAL. Maybe not the most hilarious, but always compelling. I love the whole team soooo much. Only complaint: needs moar Ryan&Esposito bein boyfriends. ♥
I made my first microarray today! And it didn't look all that great. But it didn't fail completely either, so I'm going to change some steps and weeee'll see!
I get to have lunch with Dave tomorrow! Now that the air is cleared between us, I am missing him all the time again. Need moar snuggles. Snuggles might be limited what with me having the plague though. :(
Today in fandom,
RAY TORO WAS ADORABLE OMG. The song titles! The sheer glee! They are SO IN LOVE with this record, and I CAN'T WAIT TO BE IN LOVE WITH IT TOO. Eeeee! *GIMMEHANDS*
This is a totally pointless post. I will leave you with this, because it left my head pounding after I dared to laugh at it.
Why are the misspellings STILL HILARIOUS?!? Ahahahaha.