Boykissing, and then... more boykissing. Well sort of. SLASHINESS.

Sep 07, 2005 17:13

Two things.

One, here is an article that citizenjess linked to on her journal. It's about boykissing in movies (basically), and includes lovely quotes from Heath and Jake showing how they're awesome and fine with having to kiss another guy for a role, as opposed to actors in other films who have expressed disgust about it. It's very interesting and well worth a read for all us boykissing lovers (since pretty much all my flist is ^_^). Here: A Kiss is Just a Kiss

Two, nomeremuggle did this cool mutual challenge ficlet thingy, where people commented to her post, she gave them a challenge, they did it and then could challenge her to write something. The fics were around 50 to 200 words. So I jumped in headfirst and did it, even though I was terrified. I'm sharing both my ficlet and her response ^_^

Her challenge for me: Brian/Justin, 'lesson'

“So, Babylon tonight?”

Justin’s sitting at his computer, and he flexes his hand unconsciously as he looks at Brian, waiting for the expected response.

Brian tosses back a drink, sets down the glass, and gazes at Justin for a moment, an enigmatic smile playing across his lips. Those eyes are piercing, relentless. Justin shifts uncomfortably, laughing a little as he ventures again, “Brian? Babylon? You do know the place, right?”

Still silent, a predatory gleam in his eyes, Brian begins to cross the loft towards Justin, the graceful ease of his movement captivating even after all these years. Taking Justin by the hand, he leads him back to the bedroom, ignoring Justin’s amused questions. Standing Justin next to the bed, the edge hitting the backs his knees, Brian gives him a push, gentle yet impelling, and Justin topples back onto the bed, laughing. “Brian! What are you doing? You’re crazy… what have you been on tonight? Can I have some?”

Ignoring the litany of questions, Brian opens a drawer on the bedside table and pulls out a box. Laying it on the bed, he opens it to reveal a pair of handcuffs, and several colorful scarves. The depth of the box indicates further hidden surprises. Brian’s smile is pure mischief.

“Tonight… tonight you’re going to learn a lesson.”

My challenge for her: Remus/Sirius, 'bruises'

by nomeremuggle
I can't count how many times he's kissed them. Smoothed his fingertips over them gently, whispering apologies. Shallow red welts that circle my wrist. Tell-tale discolorations on my knees. Small, pink, half-moon indentations on my hips. Rosy, teeth-shaped notches trailing from my neck to my abdomen.
He's always afraid he's going to hurt me. He worries that his primal, werewolf urges will win out over his sense amid the heat and passion.
I do not worry. My body is a canvas. Each mark, each scrape, each bruise is a souvenir of the love we make. I wear them proudly. I only wish they wouldn't fade.

Now wasn't that fun?

I still love college. college makes me happy. I'm busy, but that's pleasing especially after the utterly and completely unproductive summer I had. I met nice friends. I'm making money. classes aren't overly difficult. I am so fucking relieved, seriously... I thought I would be depressed and it would be awful and I would be screaming to come home... but nope!

brustin, my fic, qaf, articles, hp, homosexuality, remus/sirius

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