No regrets, no upsets, even though you're completely useless

Sep 23, 2009 21:45

I love being a fan of a band so tiny that when you fling a Tweet at the guitarist, he actually replies half an hour later! He's only got 331 followers! He's tiny and precious and I heart him a LOT. This is Jason Nott of Drive A, by the way. I seriously can't wait to see them live when they open for The Used. I'm going to be that crazy person who loves the opening band and sings her heart out when no one else knows what the hell is going on. :D But seriously, I LOVE THIS FUCKING ALBUM. I've played it >40 times in the last month! Ridiculous.

I am addicted to Twitter by the way. It's kind of a problem. But also a lot of fun!

My life has really leveled out, socially. I had that exciting honeymoon period where everyone was new! And shiny! And lovely! And now it's fallen out to the people that I'm actually going to stay friends with, and they're cool, but lack the shine of New Friends. You know? The boy situation has also cooled dramatically - I need a method to meet new ones, WITHOUT my roommates in tow, because I like them but wow are they awkward in social situations. A couple of them, anyway. Sigh.

This week is going to be SO AWESOME. Tomorrow: EMPIRES!!!!!!! Today they were on Kent University's radio station, being adorable giggly boys, and they answered a couple questions that I IMed in, haha. Sean and Max (and Tom?) did Spit the Dark and I Want Blood and they sounded amazing. I can't wait to see them again, yay! And then Friday, THE ACADEMY IS!!!!!! Bill Beckett, YER FACE! I can't waaaait. Both of these shows are with angel726, which is super awesome because she's my girl. ♥ Then Saturday night it's Grizzly Bear, but at least that's here in town. It's gonna be a musicky week! It's also hopefully going to be a sciencey week, since I started some experiments today that should yield exciting results over the next few days. :D (Or discouraging results? We'll see!)

I'm totally hiding in my room, which is kind of shitty but. Whatever. I don't feel like being social.

roomies, umich, bandom - tai, rl, bandom - empires, fall 09, bandom - drive a

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