Dont try to push your luck just get outta my way

Aug 15, 2009 22:34

Hallo flisties! Last night after work I drove up to Detroit to visit my cousins, yay! My aunt and uncle made a deliiiicious dinner, followed by amaaaazing lava cakes. Some of my aunt's relatives came over because her niece is considering going to the college I just graduated from, so I told her about the place and we all talked late into the night. It was such a beautiful evening, and we sat out on the patio and it was gorgeous. My cousins live in Grosse Pointe, which is like an oasis - it's stunningly gorgeous, filled with perfect lawns and unique brick houses, but surrounded by filth and decay. It's quite sad, but easy to forget when you're actually inside Grosse Pointe. So anyway, that was a lovely evening.

Today we went to the Woodward Dream Cruise! It's a big Detroit event where people bring out their cool cars and drive them up and down this 8 mile stretch of road and people watch! The emphasis is on classic American muscle, but there's a whole lot of other things including some truly bizarre specimens. It was like ONE LONG CAR ORGASM for me, ohhhh my god. All the grumbling engines and awesome Chevelles and Novas (I don't think I saw any Impalas! sad) and sexy Corvettes and menacing Challengers. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm, seriously. Anyway, we had a real nice setup because my uncle's law firm (he's a bigshot lawyer, which is why they can afford to live in Grosse Pointe!) holds a party every year with food and ice cream and they're RIGHT on the street where the cars drive so we sat right by the side of the road and it was fabulous!

There were also like a million of the new 2010 Chevy Camaro, which probably hit dealers quite recently because I hadn't even seen one until yesterday. It's SO eye catching, and I saw it in tons of colors today. I really want the Imperial Blue Metallic one. My aunt and uncle have relatives that work at every major American car company, so they told me this weekend that I can get a HUGE employee discount at any of them, which is SO AWESOME. So basically I'm going to save up for a new Camaro! :DDDDD

Tomorrow I'm going to Cedar Point! The weather is supposed to be HOT, which is an improvement over MONSOON, but. We'll see. It could be slightly miserable waiting in lines, but I'm going with some very fun people so it should be a blast anyhow. Note to self: don't forget sunscreen again! I did today and I am briiight red on my chest and back. /o\

Now I REALLY want that Camaro. The reviews are so glowing. *SALIVATES*

family, cars, rl, summer 09

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