A burden that allows us to fly

Aug 11, 2009 19:57

Regarding the Bones S4 finale: GODDAMN MOTHERTRUCKING CLIFFHANGERS!!! Especially ones that are so potentially heartrending!!! The S5 premiere better open with Booth asking if Bones is a forensic anthropologist or a club owner, then she'll half laugh, half sob, then fucking finally just kiss him already and it will all be HAPPY THE END.


That was such a ridiculous and wonderful episode! I loved seeing everyone get to play something different. Some of the characters were just such a huge switch, particularly Wendell! He was all taciturn and badass and I was deeply amused. My favorite of the interns remains the darling Brit, Vincent, partly because I have a thing for Brits but also because he's hilaaarious and I adore him. I loved that they brought Zack back but I thought he was tragically underutilised! There was a semi-hilarious crack about "I'm not the kind of guy to get thrown in jail for a murder I didn't commit" with a significant glance at ol' Zack, but that made me more sad than anything. Zack! ILU. :(

I was still ludicrously attracted to Hodgins, the semi-drunken crime novel author, but never more so than when he BUSTED OUT THE IRISH ACCENT. And it was a good one too!!!! That is bloody HARD to do, and I was so very impressed, even as I was COMPLETELY turned on. A++++ JACK HODGINS WOULD OGLE AGAIN. :DDDD I also loved that he did the voiceover at the beginning and end - I find his voice incredibly soothing.

Angela was basically herself but a bit ditzier, Sweets was... himself, same with Daisy, Cam was herself but with all humor stripped which was kind of sad. They made Jared honorable, which was odd, but I guess not since it was Booth's dream and that's what he would want! I loved Sweets singing (darling boy!), I loved Angela and Hodgins's subtle chemistry (OH YEAH AND HODGINS SUGGESTING THEY COULD START AGAIN AT THE END OF 4x25 SLDKJFS:LDKFLSDKFJS:LKJLSDF OH MY GOD PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE), I loved everything about Caroline. I did not love Max Keenan, because I never do. (He is ONLY skeevy to me, never endearing.)

And OMG WERE BONES AND BOOTH NOT THE SWEETEST COUPLE EVER?!??!??? With the rolling around gorgeously in bed, and the sweet pillow talk, and the teasing and playfulness and constant support and love and AHHHHHH MY HEART. *flails* And the dream ended with Bones announcing their pregnancy! And Booth was SO HAPPY. SO FUCKING HAPPY. His face - that was pure, unadulterated joy and amazement. &THEIRFACES;!!!!! Hart Hanson, you are an evil tease, but I enjoyed the teasing SO MUCH that I am going to forgive you - ONLY IF BOOTH GETS HIS MEMORY BACK. This is my stern face.

Guess what you guys! Today I discovered a fellow Bones fan in my lab, and do you want to know how? She declared me KING OF THE LAB! I loled and said "they do that in Bones!" and she said "Hee I know that's where I got it from!" So many heaaaarts! So that was awesome, but so was being made king of the lab, because today I did the test that showed my protein is beautiful and pure, and there's a LOT of it, and everyone's happy and grateful and I am so proud! \o/ Hodgins would gladly pass the crown onto me, I'm sure. :D

gestwicki, umich, rl, bones, summer 09

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