What is this fuckery?!

Aug 07, 2009 13:44

Hahaha, you guys. MY LIFE.

This morning I had my first encounter with lab safety equipment! I was working with a tube of DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide, a pretty common solvent, not that dangerous) - it slipped out of my hand, hit the bench, and launched its contents STRAIGHT INTO MY EYE. O.o I made a loud startled noise, flailed around going "what do I do?" and Ashley raced to the rescue! She turned on the eyewash and pushed me to the sink, where I had to direct a strong flow of cold water directly at my eye for at least 5 minutes. In the process, a lot of water left the sink and made acquaintance with the floor, and at the same time I got half of my shirt and jeans entirely soaked. FUN! Ashley and Andrea and Jason (my prof) were hovering around, mopping up the water on the floor, asking if I was okay, telling me to hold my eye open. It was unfun but also hilarious because ahaha I am such a spazzy loser. (In my old lab, when I was a spazzy loser, it meant a broken piece of glassware. Now it means taking an eye shower! Sweet!) A casualty of this drama was my watch, for some bizarre reason - during the craziness, somehow the little knob that you change the time with came off, and the watch stopped. FABULOUS. I just bought it two weeks ago. :(

So I had to walk 10 minutes to my car to grab some clothes (luckily, I'm leaving work to go visit my cousins, so I drove to work today and have a bag packed for the weekend with extra clothes! total silver lining). On the way back from that, I crashed REALLY HARD from the adrenaline high. I mean, it suddenly felt like I was walking through molasses. So I got back to my lab, changed (during which I discovered I JUST STARTED MY PERIOD. My life!!! Thank god for Midol), and immediately put back a cup of coffee. Result: I am now energized and vibrating from caffeine high! I feel like a rollercoaster. Oh man.

Science was fine for the rest of the day. (So far... it's only 2 PM!) Then I went and had a conversation with Jason wherein I asked him if I could stay with his lab for the fall. He said yes, definitely yes, he'd love to have me! Yay!!!! And then I somewhat nervously asked him if I could go to the Empires concert in Chicago on Wednesday the 26th. He immediately said of course, that he totally doesn't worry about that stuff so long as people keep their science moving forward. I was so relieved and happy. Talking with him is always so pleasant! I think he's an amazing guy and I feel super lucky to have found this lab. (And he's going to become a dad REALLY SOON! His wife's due date is tomorrow! She works in the lab across the hall and she's a total sweetheart, and TOTALLY PREGNANT. I'm so excited for them!) (Monica, every time I talk about Jason I imagine you must be seething with jealousy. It's a hilarious mental image. Clearly you should just come to Michigan! *nudges*)

A few minutes ago, he walked up to me at my desk and said mock-seriously "I have to ask who you're going to see in Chicago - it's important to my decision whether to let you go or not." Heee. So I explained to him who Empires are - he was intrigued, and I told him where he could get their music! He seems like he's a big music guy which is SO COOL, since pretty much the main reason I'll ever be skipping out for weekends is to see bands play! Nice to know that he'll understand. :D

So basically my day has gone from OMG WHAT THE HELL TRAUMA to hee isn't this place nice and YAY EMPIRES! (Jennifer I'm definitely coming!!! Buying my Megabus tickets now! :D) I really really do love it here in this lab - I'm grateful to get a chance to stay a while longer, and really hopeful that this will be where I end up ultimately. I can definitely see myself spending 5 years here, with these people, with this PI, learning every day and producing something interesting and valuable.

(My eye is fine by the way! :D)

Oh and in an hour there's a free ice cream social! YAY.

In conclusion: hahaha, my life. ♥

gestwicki, umich, rl, bandom - empires, summer 09

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