I was hoping for more videos when I woke up, but ahahaha it's 7:30 AM in California and everyone's recovering from an EPIC FACE SHREDDAGE. So I suppose I will have to be patient. *vibrates*
What we DO have:
Video of the beginning of GIVE EM HELL KID - And dude, THANKS GERARD, I just moved to the Midwest and I TOTALLY have a future. :P
-The knowledge that they opened with PRISON, played Venom and Give Em Hell Kid shortly (if not right) after, played Welcome to the Black Parade at some point and ENDED WITH HELENA. I think they're completely in a Three Cheers mood and THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY BECAUSE IT'S MY FAVORITE ALBUM OF ALL TIME. *gimmehands at new badass record*
-They also played DEATH BEFORE DISCO (apparently as the encore?). I can't waaaait for videos of that shit. (Also, hilariously, there were people on Twitter going "THEY PLAYED BORN TO RUN?!?????????" "YEAH IT'S THE NEW SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!" "NO IT ISNT YOU DIPSHIT" "THEY DIDNT PLAY IT YOUR ALL DIPSHITS") Ahahahahah oh internets.
Photos posted by The Roxy itself - A few tasty ones in there. ♥BOYS♥
And that's it for now, but I'M WAITING FOR THE BRILLIANCE TO START ROLLING IN. By all accounts it was a mindblowing show and the boys loved it too. YAAAAAAAY THEY'RE BACK.
Also, ahahaha my life - I'm sitting here in bed in my pajamas flailing about MCR and Bill Goldstein calls me to talk about today! Seriously - my life. I'll be heading over to South Haven in a couple hours and I'm excited!! I'd like to ask a favor - if anyone sees anything PARTICULARLY AWESOME posted from the show last night, could you link it here? I'm going to be gone all day and missing the stuff rolling in, so I'd really appreciate it! :)