Jun 07, 2009 00:50
I just watched Titanic all the way through for the first time in probably 5 or 6 years. I watched in huge HD with surround sound, and lemme tell you, that's the way to do it. I'd have preferred no TNT censoring or commercials, but you can't have everything. It's still one of the most powerful movies ever, UGH. I fall in love with Jack every single goddamn time, and then (SPOILER) he DIES and I'm just like ;_______; and it's a mess. I was 11 when it came out and saw it 4 times in theaters - shit like that leaves an impression. The whole thing is also just that much more powerful because it really HAPPENED, you know? No one sat in a room in Hollywood and said "You know what would be really dramatic? The biggest ship ever made sinking on its maiden voyage! From an iceberg hit! With not enough lifeboats!" "Yeah, that shit would kill at the box office!" Nope, REALITY came up with this heartrending tragedy, and augh, it does rend my heart. *SNIFF* It's just such a strong movie, from start to finish, from visuals to music to story to characters, and oh, definitely one of my all-time favorites. Wahh.
I love that I'm on vacation and totally had those ~4 hours (with commercials) to kill on this movie. <333
I'm feeling slightly better, but most of today was spent on a couch (reading Nightswimming! I made it less than halfway! It's a BEAST), and when I stood up it felt like my brain was making a bid for freedom out the back of my skull. That's abated a bit so I have hope.
I also rewatched the pilot of Farscape with my sister, because it was the only DVD I had sitting around. Ahahah so ridiculous! But Aeryn Sun, HOW SO PRETTY AND BADASS? Love <3
I hope the internet is chugging along okay without me! :P
summer 09