Mary can you come outside, take a walk with me in the moonlight

May 10, 2009 19:07

Happy Mother's Day!! I know there's a lot of strong, awesome moms on my flist, and I just want to say I respect you so hard, and you are all amazing. I hope you had a lovely day. ♥ I sent my mommy a card and a gift certificate for a 30 minute massage, so I hope she enjoys that :)

My day was pretty intense. My friend Dierdre has been single-handedly planning and running this charity drive called Dump N Run, where we put boxes in all the dorms and public buildings, and students put stuff they dont want anymore in them as they're moving out of college. We collect all the stuff, sort it, and sell it in a big community yard sale. So all last week I went around gathering boxes almost every day, lugging stuff to my car and dragging it into the sports center where we were storing it. Yesterday I worked for 6 hours gathering the last of the stuff (it took me and Matt 4 trips in his Jeep from ONE dorm building) and helping to sort it in the gym. We ended up with unbelievable piles of stuff - a couch, some armchairs, several desks, a couple bookcases and dressers, a kitchen table set, hundreds of pounds of clothes of all sorts, four entire tables full of food (like soup, oatmeal, granola bars, those kinds of things), four tables of shoes, and lots of miscellania. So today I woke up at 8 to help Dierdre make and put out signs, then the sale started at 12. By 11, people were already lining up, and at 12 there were at least 50 people in line, probably more. When we opened, it was a flood! Within 45 minutes, 90% of the stuff was gone, leaving mostly crap. We made - wait for it - at least $1800. Yay!!!! I was so proud of Dierdre, and glad that I'd taken part, but oh boy I'm exhausted. I have a bad back, so the six hours yesterday of standing and lifting completely did a number on it, and even ibuprofen and icing isn't really doing anything. Bah. Oh well, it was a good thing to do, and the money's going to the local Domestic Violence Services and a food kitchen. Yay!

Michelle and I came home and collapsed around 1:30. We watched two episodes of Leverage to relax, as you do! Elliot, I love your FACE, and OH HARDISON!!! How are they so amazing? Parker is absolutely growing on me too, especially after the episode with the orphans. "We're more than a team." AWWW team. *draws hearts* My main stumbling block with this show is that I just... don't like the two older leads, Timothy Hutton especially. He is frequently ridiculous in the bad way and almost never funny and I spend most of his screen time rolling my eyes. But whatever! Little team kids! A little crazy and dorky and badass and snarky! A millllllion hearts.

We then got a craving for Christian Kane so we watched two random Angel episodes, first Disharmony because it was on the disc (HARMONY *hearts*) and then... the one with the Evil Hand!!!1!!1, I forget what it's called. Now of course I'm listening to Kane because Christan could croon to me ALL DAY, unf. Where is his next album?! Sigh.

Michelle made tasty pasta with salmon and pesto sauce, and then she went to bed, so now I'm just chillin on my couch doing NOTHING. This would be even more awesome if my back wasn't killing me, but as it is it's pretty damn awesome. \o/ I am almost a million percent done with college! YAY!

La la la I'll stop rambling at you. Maybe I'll finish the SPN fic I've been reading - I know! Amazing! :D

leverage, kane, rl, michelle, angel, holiday, senior, college

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